Why I still use MCE2005 over MP (1 Viewer)


New Member
December 24, 2006
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I tried out MediaPortal release and i was really very impressed by the progress over the release and the couple SVN builds I'd tried. The is SO MUCH MORE STABLE. Congrats.

MP is now at a point where i can almost consider it to replace MCE2005. However, there is one nagging outstanding issue which prevents myself, and I assume many others, from making the switch.

The first issue is the difficulty, and I mean difficulty in the might as well be impossible sense, of setting up external channel changing on my STB via IR Blasters. I am using the Microsoft MCE remote and ir blaster setup. This is a VERY popular configuration. However, judging by other posts on the forums, I'm not the only one with this problem. STBs are pretty much a fact of life, and in my opinion, BUILT-IN support for Microsoft's IR remote should be the included in MP. Yes, before you ask, I did try the My Blaster plugin as well as the MCE Replacement Plugin 1.0. I had no luck with either.

All I'm asking for is out of the (virtual) box functionality for Microsoft's remote and IR Blasting as I'd wager that it is the most popular remote/ir blaster setups in HTPC use today. If this was the case, the adoption rate of MP would skyrocket, IMHO.

Please don't take this as criticism of the state of MP. I'm aware that it is open source and that it is largely a volunteer project. The team is doing great work which can be seen by the amazing progress of the release (stability, animation effects, etc). I look forward to using MP as my main HTPC software.

Oh yeah, Seasons Greetings. It's that time of year.


EDIT Dec 29 06: I'm such an idiot. Uninstalled MP, deleted all related folders, reinstalled MP, tried MCE Replacement Plugin again. WORKED! And it works on IR Blaster port 1 as well. Perhaps not having the My Blaster plugin in the folder (disabled or otherwise) helped.

Again, great work to the team, and really great work to and-81. Time, patience and RingTFM will set you right every time.


Portal Member
November 18, 2006
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
I tried out MediaPortal release and i was really very impressed by the progress over the release and the couple SVN builds I'd tried. The is SO MUCH MORE STABLE. Congrats.

MP is now at a point where i can almost consider it to replace MCE2005. However, there is one nagging outstanding issue which prevents myself, and I assume many others, from making the switch.

The first issue is the difficulty, and I mean difficulty in the might as well be impossible sense, of setting up external channel changing on my STB via IR Blasters. I am using the Microsoft MCE remote and ir blaster setup. This is a VERY popular configuration. However, judging by other posts on the forums, I'm not the only one with this problem. STBs are pretty much a fact of life, and in my opinion, BUILT-IN support for Microsoft's IR remote should be the included in MP. Yes, before you ask, I did try the My Blaster plugin as well as the MCE Replacement Plugin 1.0. I had no luck with either.

All I'm asking for is out of the (virtual) box functionality for Microsoft's remote and IR Blasting as I'd wager that it is the most popular remote/ir blaster setups in HTPC use today. If this was the case, the adoption rate of MP would skyrocket, IMHO.

Please don't take this as criticism of the state of MP. I'm aware that it is open source and that it is largely a volunteer project. The team is doing great work which can be seen by the amazing progress of the release (stability, animation effects, etc). I look forward to using MP as my main HTPC software.

Oh yeah, Seasons Greetings. It's that time of year.


May I please add my support to Anton. I have followed the same path with the same problem. Have a post in this section on the subject.
Having said this allow me to congratulate the team on the excellent even if I cant make the mce replacement plugin work. Keep up the good work guys:D
Compliments of the Season


Portal Pro
November 28, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Who has problems with just the remote? I popped mine out of the box, plugged in the IR receiver, enabled "MCE remote" in Configuration and it worked. I can understand difficulty with setting up the blaster(s), but not the remote itself.

anzigo: You never mentioned your experience with the blaster and MCE2005, but I take it from your post that everything went smoothly?


New Member
December 24, 2006
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Who has problems with just the remote? I popped mine out of the box, plugged in the IR receiver, enabled "MCE remote" in Configuration and it worked. I can understand difficulty with setting up the blaster(s), but not the remote itself.

@anzigo: You never mentioned your experience with the blaster and MCE2005, but I take it from your post that everything went smoothly?

Let me clarify. The remote works just fine in MP. It's the IR Blasting to control STBs that's the pain.

As for MCE2005, it works - it just works; IR Blasting and all. But then you'd expect that; MS Remote + MS OS.


Portal Member
November 18, 2006
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
"Let me clarify. The remote works just fine in MP. It's the IR Blasting to control STBs that's the pain.

As for MCE2005, it works - it just works; IR Blasting and all. But then you'd expect that; MS Remote + MS OS."

There are two problems:
Getting the IR blasters to control the STBs. This can be done but with difficulty.
The real problem getting the blasters to work from the guide, I have had no success here. As Anton says , no problem with MCE
I would really like some assistance here


Portal Pro
December 13, 2006
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Canada Canada
Well guys, I have an MCE remote + IR blaster. Actually it came with Hauppauge PVR150 MCE Kit. Not MS built, but the same one. The only plugin that helped - MCE Replacement and using port #2 for the blaster - plug it into #2, not #1. Then teach the plugin digits and OK/Enter key.. Worked for me, even though by the time I made it work I was really frustrated.

Off topic: Anton, you have a russian name. Russian?


New Member
December 24, 2006
Home Country
Well guys, I have an MCE remote + IR blaster. Actually it came with Hauppauge PVR150 MCE Kit. Not MS built, but the same one. The only plugin that helped - MCE Replacement and using port #2 for the blaster - plug it into #2, not #1. Then teach the plugin digits and OK/Enter key.. Worked for me, even though by the time I made it work I was really frustrated.

Off topic: Anton, you have a russian name. Russian?

I tried port #2 with the MCE Replacement Plugin, but like you I was really frustrated by that point and probably missed something. I'll give it a whirl again in a couple weeks when I get back from vacation.

As for the off-topic thing, I'm not Russian. I'm from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Here are a couple links about my home. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinidad_and_Tobago


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  • February 16, 2005
    you guys haven't actually said what the problem is. Unless I've missed more information in another post I'm not sure anyone will be able to help you.

    You really need to outline what you have tried so far and what the failures are.
    Exactly what is the problem? Do you see any mention in the logs of MP trying to blast the channels or is it not even getting this far?

    The MP community (just like God) can really only help those who help themselves.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 7, 2005
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    Just a couple of points:

    1. The MCE Replacement Plugin has only one person working on it, me. It's been in development for 3 months, in my spare time. It's still being improved. And it's only a plugin. I'm not part of the MediaPortal development team.

    2. Neither of you (anzigo or daew11) have posted on the MCE Replacement Plugin forum thread requesting assistance or providing any details of your problems. (https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/showthread.php?t=11068)

    If you post details in the plugin thread about what has gone wrong and what you've done, as well as any relevant log file entries then I will give you my best efforts to try and solve the problem. I also suggest you read the accompanying documentation if you haven't already.



  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Well, I tried the MCE replacement plug in - and 15 was all it took before all was OK (using MS remote/blaster - not Hauppauge).

    I agree with topic starter; controlling STB is essential for many ppl., therefor I am very great full for and-81's work. His plug in can/will do much more than that!

    Again; thanks and-81. (and why are you not a member of the team? Your plug in is important to many aspects of MP).

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