I don't imagine MP caused it, but for the first time, as far as I recall, when I resumed my PC from standby yesterday morning (12/07) the NIC had no address or anything and I had to reboot to fix it. It's wierd 'cos I've got it set to Static address, gateway, DNS but when I checked via Status-Details the box was just blank.
Anyway, the MP issue is that even though I use the Loopback Adapter, when first going into the EPG it showed basically nothing except a few misplaced labels, which I've seen before when TV Server isn't running or MP can't connect to it, but I don't think this should've happened with the Loopback Adapter being used. It displayed normally after a couple of tries anyway.
Also navigating on the Home screen (I use PureVisionHD Blue) seemed rather glitchy and slow. Perhaps this was because it was trying to retrieve and display the weather and RSS feeds though, which it obviously couldn't do.
Anyway, hopefully it won't happen again but I thought I might as well report it and upload the logs in case it highlights anything that needs to be fixed
Anyway, the MP issue is that even though I use the Loopback Adapter, when first going into the EPG it showed basically nothing except a few misplaced labels, which I've seen before when TV Server isn't running or MP can't connect to it, but I don't think this should've happened with the Loopback Adapter being used. It displayed normally after a couple of tries anyway.
Also navigating on the Home screen (I use PureVisionHD Blue) seemed rather glitchy and slow. Perhaps this was because it was trying to retrieve and display the weather and RSS feeds though, which it obviously couldn't do.
Anyway, hopefully it won't happen again but I thought I might as well report it and upload the logs in case it highlights anything that needs to be fixed