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offline Wikki

Hallöchen Maschine,

yes of course, Wikkipedia rocks! Yor plugin was the missing link between MP and the rest of the world. Unfortunately (?) i'm not one of these 24/7 online nerds and was trying to use your plugin with the offline version of Wikkipedia. It was the version with the ZenoReader (1.02). Usually one starts the ZenoReader as server, and then the browser with the local Wikki link.

As expected it didn't work. Is there any (easy / simple) way to extend your plugin

to run the offline Wikki?

Of course i could use an application starter and run the offline link with Firefox in fullscreen, but with no skin support. This ugly integration would be inacceptable ;-)

Here my findings.....:

The url is different:

org.:  <entry mane="url"></entry>

loc.:  <entry mane="url">http://localhost:8080/wikkipedia/-/hauptseite/</entry>

Maybe the problem would be fixed, if only i knew how the 'Export' and 'Image' labels would be handled. As worst case this is a feature of the online Wikki.

An article in the ofline version is located as:


(guess the 'A' is for article)

The regarding image:


(guess the 'I' is for image)

Got any clue how i could marry your plugin with the offline Wikki?

Thanks in advance  myNerd

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