I am currently configuring a second PC for use as a MP SingleSeat installation in order that I can test some changes I am going to make to my live environment, mainly getting EPG and IR to a STB working, and trying out some of the newer plugins and skins. I am using a low spec PC but it is more then adequate for testing purposes.
Using MP 1.0.2 on a completely clean PC which has only MS Security Essentials, KLite Full Codec Pack and WinTV 7 1.2a software/drivers installed for a WinTV PVR 250. Testing the card within WinTV 7 works as expected.
However when I enter the TV Server configuration and attempt to add the s-video channels (confirmed a feed is being sent to the composite input on the TV card), I get the error that 'no s-video channels can be found'?
When this error occurs an error log file (within the TV server logs folder) is generated as follows:
2009-10-18 10:41:12.171875 [9]: analog: unable to add capture filter
2009-10-18 10:41:12.187500 [9]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvException: Analog: unable to add capture filter
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
2009-10-18 10:41:12.218750 [9]: Exception
ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Dispose()
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Tune(Int32 subChannelId, IChannel channel)
at TvService.CardTuner.Tune(User& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)
2009-10-18 10:44:26.203125 [9]: analog: unable to add capture filter
2009-10-18 10:44:26.203125 [9]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvException: Analog: unable to add capture filter
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
The TV server log file content is as follows:
2009-10-18 10:40:39.734375 [5]: TV service: Starting
2009-10-18 10:40:41.484375 [TVService]: TVService v1.0.2.22555 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
2009-10-18 10:40:41.500000 [TVService]: Controller: Initilizing TVServer
2009-10-18 10:40:41.500000 [TVService]: Controller: 1 init attempt
2009-10-18 10:40:41.500000 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread message loop is running
2009-10-18 10:40:41.546875 [TVService]: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
2009-10-18 10:40:41.546875 [TVService]: Controller: using SQLServer database connection: Password
2009-10-18 10:40:41.562500 [TVService]: ----------------------------
2009-10-18 10:40:41.562500 [TVService]: Detecting Cards
2009-10-18 10:40:41.640625 [TVService]: Detected analog card:hauppauge wintv pvr pci ii tvtuner
2009-10-18 10:40:42.234375 [TVService]: Controller: started at tvserver-dev
2009-10-18 10:40:42.250000 [TVService]: Controller: local ip address:
2009-10-18 10:40:42.718750 [TVService]: Controller: server running on tvserver-dev
2009-10-18 10:40:42.750000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card :Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner
2009-10-18 10:40:42.765625 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card :RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
2009-10-18 10:40:42.765625 [TVService]: Controller: setup hybrid cards
2009-10-18 10:40:43.234375 [TVService]: Controller: card Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-10-18 10:40:43.250000 [TVService]: Controller: card RadioWebStream Card (builtin): current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-10-18 10:40:43.250000 [TVService]: Controller: setup streaming
2009-10-18 10:40:43.796875 [TVService]: Scheduler: started
2009-10-18 10:40:44.281250 [TVService]: Scheduler: loaded 0 schedules
2009-10-18 10:40:44.281250 [TVService]: DiskManagement: started
2009-10-18 10:40:44.296875 [TVService]: Controller: setup HeartBeat Monitor
2009-10-18 10:40:44.296875 [HeartBeatMonitor]: Controller: Heartbeat Monitor initiated, max timeout allowed is 30 sec.
2009-10-18 10:40:44.312500 [TVService]: Controller: initalized
2009-10-18 10:40:44.312500 [TVService]: Controller: TVServer initialized okay
2009-10-18 10:40:44.312500 [TVService]: TV Service: Load plugins
2009-10-18 10:40:44.343750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ComSkipLauncher version: author:and-81
2009-10-18 10:40:44.343750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ConflictsManager version: author:Broceliande
2009-10-18 10:40:44.359375 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded Power Scheduler version: author:micheloe
2009-10-18 10:40:44.375000 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ServerBlaster version: author:joboehl
2009-10-18 10:40:44.390625 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded TV Movie EPG import version: author:rtv
2009-10-18 10:40:44.390625 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded XmlTv version: author:Frodo
2009-10-18 10:40:44.406250 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugins loaded
2009-10-18 10:40:44.406250 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: ComSkipLauncher disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.421875 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: ConflictsManager disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.421875 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: Power Scheduler disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.437500 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: ServerBlaster disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.437500 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: TV Movie EPG import disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.453125 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: XmlTv disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.453125 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugins started
2009-10-18 10:40:44.671875 [TVService]: TV service: Started
2009-10-18 10:41:03.890625 [SetupTv]: ---- SetupTv v1.0.2.22555 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3) ----
2009-10-18 10:41:03.906250 [SetupTv]: ---- check connection with database ----
2009-10-18 10:41:04.187500 [SetupTv]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
2009-10-18 10:41:04.218750 [SetupTv]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
2009-10-18 10:41:04.218750 [SetupTv]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
2009-10-18 10:41:06.421875 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:41:09.281250 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:41:11.734375 [9]: card: Tune 1 to
2009-10-18 10:41:11.750000 [9]: card: user: tvserver-dev:1:-1 tune tv: Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner Audio:Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.781250 [9]: analog: Tune:tv: Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner Audio:Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.796875 [9]: analog: build graph
2009-10-18 10:41:11.828125 [9]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.843750 [9]: analog: Detecting capabilities of the tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.859375 [9]: analog: No stored or invalid graph for Crossbar component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:41:11.890625 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Crossbar 0
2009-10-18 10:41:11.906250 [9]: crossbar pin:0 type:Video_Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.906250 [9]: crossbar pin:1 type:Video_Composite
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:2 type:Video_Composite
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:3 type:Video_Composite
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:4 type:Video_SVideo
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:5 type:Video_SVideo
2009-10-18 10:41:11.937500 [9]: crossbar pin:6 type:Audio_Line
2009-10-18 10:41:11.937500 [9]: crossbar pin:7 type:Audio_Line
2009-10-18 10:41:11.953125 [9]: crossbar pin:8 type:Audio_Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.953125 [9]: analog: PinDest:name:0: Video Tuner In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:11.968750 [9]: analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [11/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:11.968750 [9]: analog: pins connected
2009-10-18 10:41:11.968750 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
2009-10-18 10:41:11.984375 [9]: analog: No stored graph for TvAudio component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:41:12.000000 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio 0
2009-10-18 10:41:12.000000 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio
2009-10-18 10:41:12.015625 [9]: analog: No stored or invalid graph for Capture component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:41:12.031250 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) 0
2009-10-18 10:41:12.046875 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [14/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.046875 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name
AC [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.093750 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name
PDIF Interface [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.109375 [9]: analog: pinDest 2:name:ADC [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.125000 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:41:12.125000 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try: 1
2009-10-18 10:41:12.125000 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture 2
2009-10-18 10:41:12.140625 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [14/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.156250 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name:Analog Video In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.156250 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name:Analog Audio In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.171875 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:41:12.203125 [9]: analog
2009-10-18 10:41:12.203125 [9]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-10-18 10:41:12.203125 [9]: analog:All filters removed
2009-10-18 10:44:25.937500 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:44:25.984375 [9]: analog: build graph
2009-10-18 10:44:26.015625 [9]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner
2009-10-18 10:44:26.031250 [9]: analog: Using stored capabilities of the tuner
2009-10-18 10:44:26.031250 [9]: analog: Using Crossbar configuration from stored graph
2009-10-18 10:44:26.046875 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter use:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Crossbar 0
2009-10-18 10:44:26.046875 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
2009-10-18 10:44:26.046875 [9]: analog: Using Crossbar configuration from stored graph succeeded
2009-10-18 10:44:26.062500 [9]: analog: Using TvAudio configuration from stored graph
2009-10-18 10:44:26.062500 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter use:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio 0
2009-10-18 10:44:26.078125 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio
2009-10-18 10:44:26.078125 [9]: analog: Using TvAudio configuration from stored graph succeeded
2009-10-18 10:44:26.093750 [9]: analog: No stored or invalid graph for Capture component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:44:26.093750 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) 0
2009-10-18 10:44:26.109375 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [13/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.109375 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name
AC [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.125000 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name
PDIF Interface [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.140625 [9]: analog: pinDest 2:name:ADC [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.140625 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:44:26.156250 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try: 1
2009-10-18 10:44:26.156250 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture 2
2009-10-18 10:44:26.171875 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [13/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.171875 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name:Analog Video In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.187500 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name:Analog Audio In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.187500 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:44:26.203125 [9]: analog
2009-10-18 10:44:26.218750 [9]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-10-18 10:44:26.218750 [9]: analog:All filters removed
2009-10-18 10:44:26.234375 [SetupTv]: Could not reload card configuration
2009-10-18 10:44:39.203125 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:44:40.062500 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:45:11.093750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:45:11.093750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:57.765625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:46:57.859375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:46:59.140625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:59.171875 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:59.203125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:59.234375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:48:33.453125 [9]: Controller: epg start
2009-10-18 10:48:40.093750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:48:40.109375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:48:49.828125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:48:49.843750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
I am currently configuring a second PC for use as a MP SingleSeat installation in order that I can test some changes I am going to make to my live environment, mainly getting EPG and IR to a STB working, and trying out some of the newer plugins and skins. I am using a low spec PC but it is more then adequate for testing purposes.
Using MP 1.0.2 on a completely clean PC which has only MS Security Essentials, KLite Full Codec Pack and WinTV 7 1.2a software/drivers installed for a WinTV PVR 250. Testing the card within WinTV 7 works as expected.
However when I enter the TV Server configuration and attempt to add the s-video channels (confirmed a feed is being sent to the composite input on the TV card), I get the error that 'no s-video channels can be found'?
When this error occurs an error log file (within the TV server logs folder) is generated as follows:
2009-10-18 10:41:12.171875 [9]: analog: unable to add capture filter
2009-10-18 10:41:12.187500 [9]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvException: Analog: unable to add capture filter
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
2009-10-18 10:41:12.218750 [9]: Exception
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Dispose()
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.Tune(Int32 subChannelId, IChannel channel)
at TvService.CardTuner.Tune(User& user, IChannel channel, Int32 idChannel)
2009-10-18 10:44:26.203125 [9]: analog: unable to add capture filter
2009-10-18 10:44:26.203125 [9]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvException: Analog: unable to add capture filter
at TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
The TV server log file content is as follows:
2009-10-18 10:40:39.734375 [5]: TV service: Starting
2009-10-18 10:40:41.484375 [TVService]: TVService v1.0.2.22555 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
2009-10-18 10:40:41.500000 [TVService]: Controller: Initilizing TVServer
2009-10-18 10:40:41.500000 [TVService]: Controller: 1 init attempt
2009-10-18 10:40:41.500000 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread message loop is running
2009-10-18 10:40:41.546875 [TVService]: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
2009-10-18 10:40:41.546875 [TVService]: Controller: using SQLServer database connection: Password
2009-10-18 10:40:41.562500 [TVService]: ----------------------------
2009-10-18 10:40:41.562500 [TVService]: Detecting Cards
2009-10-18 10:40:41.640625 [TVService]: Detected analog card:hauppauge wintv pvr pci ii tvtuner
2009-10-18 10:40:42.234375 [TVService]: Controller: started at tvserver-dev
2009-10-18 10:40:42.250000 [TVService]: Controller: local ip address:
2009-10-18 10:40:42.718750 [TVService]: Controller: server running on tvserver-dev
2009-10-18 10:40:42.750000 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card :Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner
2009-10-18 10:40:42.765625 [TVService]: Controller: NOT preloading card :RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
2009-10-18 10:40:42.765625 [TVService]: Controller: setup hybrid cards
2009-10-18 10:40:43.234375 [TVService]: Controller: card Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner: current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-10-18 10:40:43.250000 [TVService]: Controller: card RadioWebStream Card (builtin): current timeshiftpath = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer
2009-10-18 10:40:43.250000 [TVService]: Controller: setup streaming
2009-10-18 10:40:43.796875 [TVService]: Scheduler: started
2009-10-18 10:40:44.281250 [TVService]: Scheduler: loaded 0 schedules
2009-10-18 10:40:44.281250 [TVService]: DiskManagement: started
2009-10-18 10:40:44.296875 [TVService]: Controller: setup HeartBeat Monitor
2009-10-18 10:40:44.296875 [HeartBeatMonitor]: Controller: Heartbeat Monitor initiated, max timeout allowed is 30 sec.
2009-10-18 10:40:44.312500 [TVService]: Controller: initalized
2009-10-18 10:40:44.312500 [TVService]: Controller: TVServer initialized okay
2009-10-18 10:40:44.312500 [TVService]: TV Service: Load plugins
2009-10-18 10:40:44.343750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ComSkipLauncher version: author:and-81
2009-10-18 10:40:44.343750 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ConflictsManager version: author:Broceliande
2009-10-18 10:40:44.359375 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded Power Scheduler version: author:micheloe
2009-10-18 10:40:44.375000 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded ServerBlaster version: author:joboehl
2009-10-18 10:40:44.390625 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded TV Movie EPG import version: author:rtv
2009-10-18 10:40:44.390625 [TVService]: PluginManager: Loaded XmlTv version: author:Frodo
2009-10-18 10:40:44.406250 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugins loaded
2009-10-18 10:40:44.406250 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: ComSkipLauncher disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.421875 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: ConflictsManager disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.421875 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: Power Scheduler disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.437500 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: ServerBlaster disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.437500 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: TV Movie EPG import disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.453125 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugin: XmlTv disabled
2009-10-18 10:40:44.453125 [TVService]: TV Service: Plugins started
2009-10-18 10:40:44.671875 [TVService]: TV service: Started
2009-10-18 10:41:03.890625 [SetupTv]: ---- SetupTv v1.0.2.22555 is starting up on Windows XP (Service Pack 3) ----
2009-10-18 10:41:03.906250 [SetupTv]: ---- check connection with database ----
2009-10-18 10:41:04.187500 [SetupTv]: ---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----
2009-10-18 10:41:04.218750 [SetupTv]: ---- upgrade database schema ----
2009-10-18 10:41:04.218750 [SetupTv]: ---- check if tvservice is running ----
2009-10-18 10:41:06.421875 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:41:09.281250 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:41:11.734375 [9]: card: Tune 1 to
2009-10-18 10:41:11.750000 [9]: card: user: tvserver-dev:1:-1 tune tv: Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner Audio:Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.781250 [9]: analog: Tune:tv: Freq:0 Channel:4 Country:The Netherlands Tuner:Antenna Video:Tuner Audio:Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.796875 [9]: analog: build graph
2009-10-18 10:41:11.828125 [9]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.843750 [9]: analog: Detecting capabilities of the tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.859375 [9]: analog: No stored or invalid graph for Crossbar component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:41:11.890625 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Crossbar 0
2009-10-18 10:41:11.906250 [9]: crossbar pin:0 type:Video_Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.906250 [9]: crossbar pin:1 type:Video_Composite
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:2 type:Video_Composite
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:3 type:Video_Composite
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:4 type:Video_SVideo
2009-10-18 10:41:11.921875 [9]: crossbar pin:5 type:Video_SVideo
2009-10-18 10:41:11.937500 [9]: crossbar pin:6 type:Audio_Line
2009-10-18 10:41:11.937500 [9]: crossbar pin:7 type:Audio_Line
2009-10-18 10:41:11.953125 [9]: crossbar pin:8 type:Audio_Tuner
2009-10-18 10:41:11.953125 [9]: analog: PinDest:name:0: Video Tuner In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:11.968750 [9]: analog: pinSource 0:name:Analog Video [11/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:11.968750 [9]: analog: pins connected
2009-10-18 10:41:11.968750 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
2009-10-18 10:41:11.984375 [9]: analog: No stored graph for TvAudio component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:41:12.000000 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio 0
2009-10-18 10:41:12.000000 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio
2009-10-18 10:41:12.015625 [9]: analog: No stored or invalid graph for Capture component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:41:12.031250 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) 0
2009-10-18 10:41:12.046875 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [14/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.046875 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name
2009-10-18 10:41:12.093750 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name
2009-10-18 10:41:12.109375 [9]: analog: pinDest 2:name:ADC [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.125000 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:41:12.125000 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try: 1
2009-10-18 10:41:12.125000 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture 2
2009-10-18 10:41:12.140625 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [14/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.156250 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name:Analog Video In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.156250 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name:Analog Audio In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:41:12.171875 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:41:12.203125 [9]: analog
2009-10-18 10:41:12.203125 [9]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-10-18 10:41:12.203125 [9]: analog:All filters removed
2009-10-18 10:44:25.937500 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:44:25.984375 [9]: analog: build graph
2009-10-18 10:44:26.015625 [9]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvTuner
2009-10-18 10:44:26.031250 [9]: analog: Using stored capabilities of the tuner
2009-10-18 10:44:26.031250 [9]: analog: Using Crossbar configuration from stored graph
2009-10-18 10:44:26.046875 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter use:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Crossbar 0
2009-10-18 10:44:26.046875 [9]: analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded
2009-10-18 10:44:26.046875 [9]: analog: Using Crossbar configuration from stored graph succeeded
2009-10-18 10:44:26.062500 [9]: analog: Using TvAudio configuration from stored graph
2009-10-18 10:44:26.062500 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter use:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio 0
2009-10-18 10:44:26.078125 [9]: analog: AddTvAudioFilter succeeded:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II TvAudio
2009-10-18 10:44:26.078125 [9]: analog: Using TvAudio configuration from stored graph succeeded
2009-10-18 10:44:26.093750 [9]: analog: No stored or invalid graph for Capture component - Trying to detect
2009-10-18 10:44:26.093750 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) 0
2009-10-18 10:44:26.109375 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [13/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.109375 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name
2009-10-18 10:44:26.125000 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name
2009-10-18 10:44:26.140625 [9]: analog: pinDest 2:name:ADC [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.140625 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:44:26.156250 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try: 1
2009-10-18 10:44:26.156250 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture 2
2009-10-18 10:44:26.171875 [9]: analog: PinSource:name:0: Video Decoder Out [13/1] Direction:Output Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.171875 [9]: analog: pinDest 0:name:Analog Video In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.187500 [9]: analog: pinDest 1:name:Analog Audio In [6/1] Direction:Input Connected:False
2009-10-18 10:44:26.187500 [9]: analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar
2009-10-18 10:44:26.203125 [9]: analog
2009-10-18 10:44:26.218750 [9]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
2009-10-18 10:44:26.218750 [9]: analog:All filters removed
2009-10-18 10:44:26.234375 [SetupTv]: Could not reload card configuration
2009-10-18 10:44:39.203125 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:44:40.062500 [9]: Controller: epg stop
2009-10-18 10:45:11.093750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:45:11.093750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:57.765625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:46:57.859375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:46:59.140625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:59.171875 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:59.203125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:46:59.234375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-10-18 10:48:33.453125 [9]: Controller: epg start
2009-10-18 10:48:40.093750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:48:40.109375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:48:49.828125 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357
2009-10-18 10:48:49.843750 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 49357