Hello guys and gals, first off let me thank you developers for a media portal with class. It has everything I've ever wanted, so thanks a LOT!
Feeling the urge to give something back to you for this excellent product, and being a bit of an emulator freak, I've put together a wrapper for my favourite computer Amiga, and it's emulator WinUAE. My goal was this:
* Launch any game conveniently, even multidisk games.
* Being able to control the emulator without keyboard, only remote and joypads.
* And of course, using My Programs to launch it seamlessly. Thanks waeberd for writing this plugin, you rock!
After a day an night of coding, I present the WinUAE launcher!
Quick install (for experienced people):
Download it from http://hem.passagen.se/gazoot/mediaportal/winuae_launcher.zip
Extract the zip to a folder, maybe in the winuae dir. Edit the configuration part of the "launch.sh" script. Use My Programs to launch "launch.bat" with your disk files, and you're set!
Longer explanation:
You need a good WinUAE configuration file, so create a one that you really like, or take inspiration from "mediaportal.uae" in the launcher directory. It's the one I use.
[edit] Important: Be sure to set use_gui=no in the configuration! [/edit]
The script will work without effort for any single-disk game. What you need for multidisk is a consistent naming scheme. The default is (Disk X of Y), which needs to be somewhere in the file name for all disks. The script will then locate all disks with this pattern, put them in disk drives up to df3:, and finally put all disks in the disk swapper, so you can switch disks in case you have lots of disks, or a game that doesn't support more than one drive.
You can change this naming pattern in the configuration in case you have another naming already.
For the remote, use HIP to configure your remote with winuae. Except for the disk swapper, everything seems to be remote configurable. To use the disk swapper from the keyboard, hold down the End key and press 1-0 on the normal keyboard (not the numeric) to swap to disk 1-10 in df0:. If you are able to map the remote to the disk swapper, please let me know! I lost too many hours of sleep trying to make it work...
Use the following settings for My Programs:
Launcher Application: launcher_dir\launcher.bat
Shellexecute: No
Wait for exit: Yes
Arguments: <blank>
Startup directory: launcher_dir
Quotes around filenames: Yes
File-extensions: .zip,.adf,.adz
I think this should get you started. Please post any bugs, question or ideas to make it better. Have fun! Download url again: http://hem.passagen.se/gazoot/mediaportal/winuae_launcher.zip
WinUAE download here: http://www.winuae.net/
HIP: http://www.byremote.com.au/HIP/Download.htm (a bit complicated but very good program)
Feeling the urge to give something back to you for this excellent product, and being a bit of an emulator freak, I've put together a wrapper for my favourite computer Amiga, and it's emulator WinUAE. My goal was this:
* Launch any game conveniently, even multidisk games.
* Being able to control the emulator without keyboard, only remote and joypads.
* And of course, using My Programs to launch it seamlessly. Thanks waeberd for writing this plugin, you rock!
After a day an night of coding, I present the WinUAE launcher!
Quick install (for experienced people):
Download it from http://hem.passagen.se/gazoot/mediaportal/winuae_launcher.zip
Extract the zip to a folder, maybe in the winuae dir. Edit the configuration part of the "launch.sh" script. Use My Programs to launch "launch.bat" with your disk files, and you're set!
Longer explanation:
You need a good WinUAE configuration file, so create a one that you really like, or take inspiration from "mediaportal.uae" in the launcher directory. It's the one I use.
[edit] Important: Be sure to set use_gui=no in the configuration! [/edit]
The script will work without effort for any single-disk game. What you need for multidisk is a consistent naming scheme. The default is (Disk X of Y), which needs to be somewhere in the file name for all disks. The script will then locate all disks with this pattern, put them in disk drives up to df3:, and finally put all disks in the disk swapper, so you can switch disks in case you have lots of disks, or a game that doesn't support more than one drive.
You can change this naming pattern in the configuration in case you have another naming already.
For the remote, use HIP to configure your remote with winuae. Except for the disk swapper, everything seems to be remote configurable. To use the disk swapper from the keyboard, hold down the End key and press 1-0 on the normal keyboard (not the numeric) to swap to disk 1-10 in df0:. If you are able to map the remote to the disk swapper, please let me know! I lost too many hours of sleep trying to make it work...
Use the following settings for My Programs:
Launcher Application: launcher_dir\launcher.bat
Shellexecute: No
Wait for exit: Yes
Arguments: <blank>
Startup directory: launcher_dir
Quotes around filenames: Yes
File-extensions: .zip,.adf,.adz
I think this should get you started. Please post any bugs, question or ideas to make it better. Have fun! Download url again: http://hem.passagen.se/gazoot/mediaportal/winuae_launcher.zip
WinUAE download here: http://www.winuae.net/
HIP: http://www.byremote.com.au/HIP/Download.htm (a bit complicated but very good program)