Zalman HD160XT+ - anyone got it working perfectly? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 24, 2008
Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Brazil Brazil
After over 12 months of tinkering, I have an almost satisfactory system, using the Zalman HD160XT+ case, with the 7" touchscreen.

The TV works (albeit with some lag), the films play, the skin is nice, the music is all there and it's connected to the TV and the AV Receiver, with cinema surround sound.

The two things I have never managed to get working well are the remote and the touchscreen, which are the two primary input devices.

I want to use the Touchscreen Display plugin from CyberMage, which is great, but want to avoid using the supplied iMon drivers - I have tried running the drivers for the screen from eGalaxa and DigTech Systems (both from Korea) to no avail.

I have also tried and failed to get IR Server running.

I would love to hear from anyone with the same case who has a working system, with usable touchscreen and fully functioning remote, that is satisfied with their setup - give me some hope! :D

I will carry on with IR Suite, as I am sure this is the way forward - once I have it working, I will be half way to happy!


Portal Member
January 8, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi, did you ever manage to get the touch screen working?

I have the same case and have been tinkering with drivers/settings for some time too and have had no luck.


Portal Pro
February 24, 2008
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Home Country
Brazil Brazil
Hi Savvy - sadly not yet, and I did not get any reply back from the screen maker. I was hoping to find a stand-alone driver for the touch-screen, which must exist somewhere.

However, I cannot get IR Suite working either and have reverted back to using Imon, with the T/S function, so the remote at least works. I then mapped this to my Logitech remote, and I have 90% of the functionality I want. I am using the new mini-display module which works well too for me.

It's a work around, and not a neat fix, but it's as good as I can get at the moment - I would rather use IR Suite and a generic driver for the Touchscreen, but have not had time yet.

How are you doing it on yours so far?


Portal Member
January 8, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi finrudd,

Sounds like your miles ahead of me lol…

I’m running vista x64 and can only get the touchscreen to work with the imon software/drivers and the only thing it seems to be happy to run is the frontview application.

To be honest I haven’t even started with the IR Suite yet, I just want to get the minidisplay to run first.

All I want is to have MP main screen on my main monitor with a control/info panel running on the touchscreen (i.e. media info/ equaliser and control buttons). I have tried every single type of setting I can think of to get the minidisplay plugin to work, but no luck.

When I hit the ‘test’ button in minidisplay config the touchscreen doesn’t even flicker, I have no idea what I’m doing wrong?
Could it be i’ve misunderstood what the minidisplay plugin Is actually for? Do I have to run any other plugins at the same time?

Do you know which company makes the 7” screen?


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    Please see my signature..
    I have starting a group over this case ;-)

    regards bribbon_81

    after post: MiniDisplay works not with my Display. I dont no why, maybe the fimware are to old?
    @ Savvy: The Touchscreen Display is from Soundgraph. It can be that the MiniDisplay only works with a
    LCD Display (not Touchscreen)??


    Portal Pro
    February 24, 2008
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Home Country
    Brazil Brazil
    Hi Bribbon_81 and Savvy,

    I can confirm that under Windows XP SP3, the touchscreen does work with mini display, although mine is a little unresponsive, as after over 12 months, I am still loathe to remove the protective plastic that came over the screen :D I am sure removing this will make all the difference..

    If I remember correctly, you install the Soundgraph software, but disable Frontview in the Soundgraph setup (set to never show, or something like that) and then for me, the Minidisplay plugin worked. However, I would make sure the touchscreen element is actually working with the Soundgraph Frontview software, where you can calibrate the screen etc, before trying to get mini-display to work.

    Bribbon - You are right that the software for the screen itself is provided by Soundgraph, who I think are a Korean company (as are Zalman), however, the screen manuacturer is eGalax I think. There was some variation between the HD160XT+ and HD160XT in who made the screen, but I think the '+' model is eGalax. Their website is here: EETI index_2009. They do advertise a Vista driver there too.

    I will dig through some old posts, as there was someone I read who contacted them and got their Windows Vista screen drivers almost straight away - this was specifically for Vista, so did not help me. This was for someone who wanted to stop using the Soundgraph solution all together. I am sure it's somewhere on this forum, but I will take a look this weekend when I have some time.

    Bribbon - I have taken a look at your group, but sadly my German (?) is non-existant. :(


    Portal Member
    January 8, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    LOL I’m the same, my screen protector is starting to peel at the corners so I’ve been looking on ebay for another. 

    I have the soundgraph software installed, the frontview application works, touchscreen also works when frontview application is disabled, however the actual soundgraph software needs to be running in the background for the touchscreen to work.
    Minidisplay still doesn’t work, but I managed to get the older ‘touchscreen plugin’ on MP to work – which confuses me even more why minidisplay doesn’t 

    I’ve downloaded the 64bit drivers from the egalax site, but the application cannot find any controller which is very strange.

    I’ve tried unplugging the cable from the touchscreen to the motherboard and re-plugging it to see if vista recognises new hardware – but no luck here either.

    Bribbon, I don’t speak a word of German either… but I joined the group anyway lol


    MP Donator
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  • September 11, 2008
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    Hi Savvy and finrudd

    First: Yes "my" Group was at this time only in german. But when you (finrudd) have an reason, how to configure
    the minidisplay then you can write down your solution. So the other Owner can read it..

    Savvy: I o so have installed the iMon Software (FontView: was ok but deactivated / Touch works fine). I have
    definitely the same problem: Touchscreen - Plugin (cybrmage) works fine. But its incredible for me to activate
    the MiniDisplay.

    The Software from egalax cannot find any controller (32bit). One Question: What your entry in the Equipment-Manager (WinXP)?
    I dont have any entry about Soundgraph (VGA Screen was "Plug and Play Monitor"?) I dont can find any entry for a Display-Controller.

    Sorry about my bad english ;-)


    Portal Member
    January 8, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hey Bribbon,

    Don’t worry if I ever manage to work this out I’ll tell the world ;)

    Under the management console (vista 64) my display also shows as a generic Plug and Play Monitor. If anyones system shows otherwise please let us know.


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