Completed 200 disc ripper (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 6, 2007
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Canada Canada
Not really a HTPC but it was a project to get it working. I only hope this is some kind of payback for the hours of use I have got from media portal.

This solution will work for pc users. This suggestion is only for backing up your own personal collection.

Buy, borrow bid, acquire, misappropriate a Powerfile changer. Sony (no longer available except on eBay) and Niveus (Called the Ice Vault) both make a rebranded version.

I use a PC with a PCI fire wire card running XP Professional and a Niveus Ice Vault.

Download Mammouth INC Power Explorer Pro , Any DVD and DVD Decryptor. Google can help you find these 3 no problem.

You will have to contact Mammoth Inc for a key.

Mammoth has some suggestions for your Decryptor setup. The gist of it being uncheck all of the warnings. DVD Decryptor/ tools / Settings/ general tab/ other section.

Load AnyDVDs settings page (sly soft / any DVD /any DVD/ video DVD) and check mark Jump to Title Menu.

Load your discs into your Powerfile. I as well usually only load a manageable amount. Between 40 and 80. Only load clean relatively scratch free discs. Cleaner the discs the less babysitting you will have to do. Save the scratched ones for your single disc drive.

At this point I usually kill all programs in my tool bar except for AnyDVD. I also kill my virus software un plug your internet if you are worried/paranoid.

Then load Power Explorer It usually will require a power cycle of your changer

Highlight all of your discs. At this point you could use the (right click) identify feature which is helpful in finding matching disc. If you have 2 discs with matching names they will both be dumped into the same folder causing errors latter on. I usually eject one of the 2 matches and either do it in the next batch, do it on a single drive or put it further down the line so I have time to relabel the first disc folder after it rips . It adds extra time to your rip time but it can save you some grief in the long run

You can also with your highlighted discs (right click) just run the power rip plug-in with out identifying the discs. However you do it run Power Rip. When Power Rip asks for your one line exe use this "C:\Program Files\DVD Decrypter\DVDDecrypter.exe /mode file /src $1 /START /CLOSE /OVERWRITE YES” It’s not the prettiest piece of code but it will label the movie folder after the disc name (enjoy how lazy the DVD mastering techs are) and then dump into your emptiest drive. I am sure someone could right a much better one line exe that you could actually aim Decryptor and only take the movie with. I however, am always dumping to an empty 1tb drive so this exe works just fine for me.

Hit finish and stand back.

As with anything that involves a Powerfile based product I would not say it is problem free you might want to check on it every now and again. There are just some discs that will freeze up the system. I have ripped 100 with no problems and then I have ripped 20 and have had it hang up on every other disc. If the system does freeze just restart you computer (don’t bother trying to save it) then reload power explorer. Click on the power explorer tab and click run power tools it will remember where you left off.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi. Had to remove some "evil" links, before validating your post :)
    Still might need another overview, though ...


    Portal Pro
    April 22, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks for the tips.

    You choose file mode in DVD Decryptor.
    (Q1) Is that the "prefered" or best DVD image format to use with Media Portal. In addition to "File" mode there is also an "IFO" and "ISO" mode for DVD decryptor.
    I use ISO files but have run into issues with MediaPortal.
    (Q2) Do you have to mount the DVD file image folder or configure MP to recognize it? If yes then what tool do you use?

    Here are the iso image issues I encounter.
    1) I had to manually add the ISO file to the MP Config. Otherwise MP will not recognize iso files so you cannot play them.
    2) Had to install and configure daemon tools to auto mount the ISO. Then config MP to use the same drive letter.
    3) When I use MP the ISO image sometimes loses video signal. This usually occurs during the DVD menu movie segmant or trailers. (I believe this might be fixed in the latest RC2 SVN but have not tried it).
    4) The movie database has to be manually set up in order to work. The issue appears to be the underscores in the filename of the ISO image. If you replace the "_"s with spaces then it works better. This is a huge pain and I miss not having the DVD covers and info.


    Portal Member
    November 6, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    You choose file mode in DVD Decryptor.
    (Q1) Is that the "prefered" or best DVD image format to use with Media Portal. In addition to "File" mode there is also an "IFO" and "ISO" mode for DVD decryptor.
    I use ISO files but have run into issues with MediaPortal.
    (Q2) Do you have to mount the DVD file image folder or configure MP to recognize it? If yes then what tool do you use?

    To be honest with you Moeb I then take my newly ripped movies and run them through Handbrake and make them all into H264 mp4s.

    I know if you use the "out of the box" settings in Decryptor it is fully playable in MP. the other cool thing is that anyDVD stamps an "autoplay" to the folder so it is quite seemless.

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