[Help Us!] Actionscript developer needed (1 Viewer)


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  • September 11, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    WebMp will get a much improved flash video player in (probably) version 0.5 which is based on jwplayer.

    webmp-jwplayer1.png webmp-jwplayer2.png

    One of the most difficult things about streaming in MpExtended has always been the on-the-fly transcoding. While it is great that you can stream any video format instantly and change the format/quality when needed, it is also creating a set of problems.

    We have come very far already and our infrastructure works very well on Android devices already. Unfortunately we cannot use the same format for the flash video players, which is why we need YOUR HELP!!! ;) ;)

    This is for advanced users and developers:

    What is already possible:
    - On-the-fly transcoding from nearly any format to flv
    - Injection of some flv metadata (mainly video duration) into the stream
    - Playback of the flv stream with jwplayer
    - Seeking within the video file (sort of http pseudostreaming) from an external javascript seekbar

    What is still missing:
    - Seeking with the internal seekbar of jwplayer
    - Better flv output (keyframes, ...)
    - Support for mp4 files (needs injection of moov atoms into stream)

    Needed: Actionscript/Flex developer

    None of the developers involved in the MpExtended development have experience with developing Flash/Actionscript/Flex components. However to fully support seeking with jwplayer we need a custom jwplayer MediaProvider. This component is written in actionscript, so we would appreciate the help of an developer with experience in this technology.

    Some information about jwplayer MedaProviders:

    If you think you can help us please write a pm to either me or oxan, or even better join at #mp-extended to discuss this further.



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    We used Flowplayer initially, but ditched it for JWPlayer. I can't remember the reason, might be lacking support for the playlist. Anyway, looks like Flowplayer needs ActionScript too. If you can do that (for either Flowplayer or JWPlayer), that'd be great.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    As I already explained a couple of times on the forums, HTML5 doesn't offer any usable codec. H.264 is only supported in an MP4 container, but MP4 isn't live-streamable (it requires the MOOV atom at the start of the file, but that atom can only be written after transcoding). The WebM encoder is way too slow to be usable (transcodes at about 12fps on my PhenomII X4 system). Ogg/Theora is only supported by Firefox and Chrome, and has a very slow encoder too.


    Portal Pro
    April 27, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I don't think I can do it. It's much harder then I thought it would be.

    Problem is that I don't really know where to start. I have no experience with Flash/ActionScript developing besides making some animations.
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