DVB-IP MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter (3 Viewers)

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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    Hello, I wrote a new playlist with this parameters:

    but I don't get a signal.
    I checked the log and found this status:

    07-01-2013 18:49:31.140 [2e80] [{6062DE83-622E-43E7-940D-7C6E0A4A34F6}] [Info] CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): HTTP return code: 200
    07-01-2013 18:49:31.515 [1e44] [{C8FC4042-E8B1-429A-B4DA-9A3BFFA27C93}] [Warning] MPIPTVSourceStream: FillBuffer(): synchronization byte is not correct, analyze discontinuity disabled
    07-01-2013 18:49:31.515 [2554] [{C8FC4042-E8B1-429A-B4DA-9A3BFFA27C93}] [Info] MPIPTVSourceStream: Run(): result: 00000000
    07-01-2013 18:49:31.531 [2554] [{C8FC4042-E8B1-429A-B4DA-9A3BFFA27C93}] [Info] MPIPTVSourceStream: Run(): End

    HTTP-Status 200 is "ok" but I don't know what is the "synchronization byte is not correct, analyze discontinuity disabled"? What should I do?
    In the first post in this treath I didn't find a syntax for the URL.

    Thanks! :)
    Can you set LogVerbosity parameter in MPIPTVSource.ini file to 4, try again and post log? I think that server is not returning MPEG2 Transport Stream (only this type of stream can be played), but maybe web page or something another.


    Portal Member
    January 24, 2011

    I changed the LogVerbosity paramter to 4 .

    The complete Log is: (I only changed the Loginname und Password)

    Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dva0gnbnia33web/MPIPTVSource.log

    Thanks for your help! :)

    edit: when I copy&paste the url
    (with right username und password)

    into my chrome Browser, the browser wants to download a *.m3u8 -File.
    When I open the link in VLC, it begans to play the stream.

    edit2: VLC Infos about the stream:

    Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (h264)
    Solution: 720x576
    Decodiertes Format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV
    Codec: MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3 (mpga)
    Kanäle: Stereo
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia

    I changed the LogVerbosity paramter to 4 .

    The complete Log is: (I only changed the Loginname und Password)

    Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dva0gnbnia33web/MPIPTVSource.log

    Thanks for your help! :)
    From logs it seems that you don't have any configuration file (file location by log should be 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\MPIPTVSource.ini').

    edit: when I copy&paste the url
    (with right username und password)

    into my chrome Browser, the browser wants to download a *.m3u8 -File.
    When I open the link in VLC, it begans to play the stream.

    edit2: VLC Infos about the stream:

    Codec: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (h264)
    Solution: 720x576
    Decodiertes Format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV
    Codec: MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3 (mpga)
    Kanäle: Stereo
    It seems that you don't have URLs to each channel, but you have access to playlist. So you have to download playlist file (m3u8), save it into MP TV Server tuning parameters folder (if I assume that configuration file path from log is correct, than DVB-IP tuning parameters folder in your case will be 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TuningParameters\dvbip\', change extension to m3u and rescan.


    Portal Member
    January 24, 2011
    From logs it seems that you don't have any configuration file (file location by log should be 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\MPIPTVSource.ini').

    OH sry! your right. It was in the wrong folder... :cry:
    but now is it right! Link to new Log:


    Could you now see an error?

    It seems that you don't have URLs to each channel, but you have access to playlist. So you have to download playlist file (m3u8), save it into MP TV Server tuning parameters folder (if I assume that configuration file path from log is correct, than DVB-IP tuning parameters folder in your case will be 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TuningParameters\dvbip\', change extension to m3u and rescan.

    every channel has got them own URL. I only have two channels in the playlist for testing.
    in the full playlist there are ~90 channels.
    But the only difference in the urls are .../hq/92XX/playlist...

    I downloaded the *.m3u8 File and added it in the folder ...\dvbip and renamed it to *.m3u and did a rescan, but nothing happens. the content of the downloaded *.m3u8-File was:

    #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:pROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1981614,CODECS="avc1.100.31, mp4a.40.34",RESOLUTION=1024x576 chunklist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=337137349&username=123456789&password=abcdefgh
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    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    Could you now see an error?
    There wasn't error. I assumed that server didn't return stream, but something another. I just want to confirm that.

    #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:pROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1981614,CODECS="avc1.100.31, mp4a.40.34",RESOLUTION=1024x576 chunklist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=337137349&username=123456789&password=abcdefgh
    It seems that in playlist is another playlist. What you get if you put in your browser URL: chunklist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=337137349&username=123456789&password=abcdefgh (surely there must be http:// part which comes from playlist.m3u8 URL).


    Portal Member
    January 24, 2011
    #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:pROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1981614,CODECS="avc1.100.31, mp4a.40.34",RESOLUTION=1024x576 chunklist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=337137349&username=123456789&password=abcdefgh
    It seems that in playlist is another playlist. What you get if you put in your browser URL: chunklist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=337137349&username=123456789&password=abcdefgh (surely there must be http:// part which comes from playlist.m3u8 URL).

    if I download the chunklist.m3u8 and open this one in editor the content is:

    #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:20 #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:1310 #EXTINF:10.32, media_1310.ts?wowzasessionid=1443463539&username=12346789password=abcdefgh #EXTINF:10.68, media_1311.ts?wowzasessionid=1443463539&username=12346789password=abcdefgh #EXTINF:8.96, media_1312.ts?wowzasessionid=1443463539&username=12346789password=abcdefgh
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    New Member
    January 12, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    I'm trying to open a Playlist (.m3u) with rtp streams, but when I scan in TV Server it gives me "No Signal" for every stream, although the playlist works fine in VLC. Log attached.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2010
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    I'm trying to open a Playlist (.m3u) with rtp streams, but when I scan in TV Server it gives me "No Signal" for every stream, although the playlist works fine in VLC. Log attached.
    Can you try this:
    1. prepare playlist with one channel
    2. start VLC and start this channel
    3. start MP TV configuration and try scan same channel
    If scanning is not successful, then attach logs. If scanning is successful, then antivirus or firewall is blocking MP.


    New Member
    January 12, 2013
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Set up playlist with only one channel.
    Channel played fine in VLC.
    Scan in MP fails with "No Signal".
    Attached Log.

    EDIT: Seems to work now after installing Media Portal Client alongside Media Portal TV Server
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