[other] Getting the word out.... MORE PR!!!!! (1 Viewer)


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  • September 25, 2010
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    Well, it seems that the issue is only caused when you add (more?) data manually to the database, right?
    Is there no other (manybe not so shiny) way to present sports?

    How about onlinevideos? Internet available at that show?

    Yes, good idea about onlinevideos! Yes WiFi is available, plus I will have my own 4G connection. As for a not so shiny way to display sports games, I guess I can use MP "Videos". At least I think so..........

    Edit: And it randomly loses my manually entered data. If it imports from front or back ends it loses the graphics. And I will be showing off how easy it is to add things so auto import will need to work.


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  • September 25, 2010
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    Have a great vacay, Loop.... also Damien made some changes to TVS and I can now add custom graphics, so that in effect I can add sports games, info and graphics and now sports look just as good as any other TV Show in TVS =) YAY! That is going to be a BIG draw, i feel. I am going to have the 2011 NBA Playoff games playing as The Dallas Mavericks just won the NBA title about 3 weeks ago so the whole city basketball crazy!!!


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  • September 25, 2010
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    Okay, I paid for the table at the show. I dont think I will get the funds quick enuf to get the propaganda printed in time, so I will most likely do this show with home printed stuff. 400$ printer so it wont be Dot-Matrix or anything =)

    I am working up a post about exactly how and where and why things will be set up. I will post it once it is done.


    Design Group
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  • August 25, 2006
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    The brochure looks very slick and professional. The stickers.. well. :D Just go with the first design, but loose the "weave" background and the "stitches" around the edge. Less is more. It's late here now (typical) but I can work up some mockups or even a complete sticker design as well, just to get some more designs and inspiration.



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  • September 25, 2010
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    Okay, I am making little mini-videos, 10 of them to be exact, about 3-5 minutes each. Each one featuring one popular skin and plugin. I think Loop is making a 5-15 second intro for them. I would try to make the intro myself.... but capturing your screen and creating a video from scratch is a BIG difference =) Basically they will be playing on a loop (with aMPdroid and regular promo video) at the show on a 32". Here is a list of how the skins/plugins are pairing up:

    aMPed - TVS (Sports) & ScoreCenter
    Avalon - Online Videos
    Backdrop - Music
    Black Glass HD - TVS
    CLR - Moving Pictures
    DefualtWide - Pandora
    Frames - Weather
    Maya - NetFlix
    Mustayaluca - MvCentral**
    StreamedMP - Trakt

    **MvCentral is what I want to use but might have to go back to Music Videos due to time restraints

    If any Skinner/Developer would like to change the pairing, I have NO problem with that, just let me know. The only rules I used for the pairing was a) Keep TVS (Sports) with aMPed and b) make sure the plugin is compatible with paired skin.

    I will be posting the videos as soon as they are all done. I still have to post my assault plan for the show itself, pls be patient as I am uber busy. With everything that has to get done in time, I am having many things going at once. I do want to give out some VERY special thanks to a few people:

    First off to anyone who has shared their thoughts, views and ideas in this post.

    and to

    I.Loop - he is working hard on some of the things I need for the show

    Dadeo - he has done a lot in the ways of strats and ideas on how to get things done for the show, he was one of the first to see the draw of having Mavericks games and present sports to the people here in Dallas and has made some important changes to aMPed in order to display sports events in a beautiful skinned fashion

    ltfearme - for adding the ability to add custom artwork for series in TVS... without this any sports demonstrations at the show would have been VERY ugly. This is a feature many people have asked for in the past so it should make many people happy, and as long as people keep updating thetvdb.com it will most likely stay =)

    High - for helping me with the web address for trade shows so we can see how many ppl it drives to the website =)

    trevor - he has offered a lot of support and ideas, as well as trying hard to get mvCentral demo-able b4 the show

    DieBagger - for all the work done on aMPdroid and the help in figuring out the best way to present the app

    Migue - for pointing out when my thoughts and ideas were headed in the "Stupid" direction =)

    stevewabc - for all the ideas and help along the way

    Thanks guys =)


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  • December 26, 2004
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    just want to let you know that doug and I are working on the text of the brochour. Just made the final? tweaks.
    Should be ready tomorrow! :)

    btw. anyone wants a MP shirt (look at the back side of the shirt)? :D
    (note: Team MediaPortal does not earn a single cent with that merchandise - price is 100% what spreadshirt charges.)

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