[Blog] Inside Scoop 1.9: Wiki - Help Is On The Way! (1 Viewer)


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  • December 17, 2006
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    South Africa South Africa
    Great article as usual and a BIG thanks to Dadeo as well as all the other names mentioned. Your work is much much appreciated.
    The humor in Dadeo's articles are always great. Just hope the "AI" does not junk-mail-filter you soon :D

    Most geeks will have an attitude like this: "I do not read anything if it is not on my computer screen" - well, start reading our manual ;)

    A quick search on the net provide me with a few "manual" quotes.

    Dadeo will ensure that the MP wiki will not be like this car manual - you can surely read the MP wiki while running your htpc:
    "Do not read your new Owner's Manual while driving. It is particularly dangerous to read your new Owner's Manual while driving at high speed in foggy or hazardous conditions."

    This line, also from a motor manual, can be applicable since team MP will also not give you the (viewing) content.
    "Gloves are not provided for the Glove Compartment but may be purchased separately from leading glove stores in a variety of styles and colours."

    There are people who would say "real men don't read manuals" but the truth for MP is best described by the following:

    "only smart people read the manual"

    "You should read manuals like you read love letters.
    In a love letter, everything counts. You read between the lines, above the lines, below the lines, and in the margins. You read between the individual letters (is that "i" dotted in an angry way?) You wonder what significance the stamp has. You smell the envelope for any special fragrance. You study the salutation (why "dearest" and not "darling" this time?)"

    "If you do not read the manual you will never find out the capabilities of the machine and will end up ask questions on the zone here"


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Great post rekenaar, where's the LOL button? Thanks is not enough! That's almost a Blog itself, and you could write a great one!
    Just hope the "AI" does not junk-mail-filter you soon :D
    "AI" is 'down' (away) for the weekend - I have two days grace :D I may be removed in the next cleanup :p

    I really hope, over time, we can fill in all the gaps in our 'love letters' so no one has to read between the lines anymore!

    Imagine what it would be like if:
    • Every feature of MediaPortal is clearly and thoroughly documented - you have no idea how many 'hidden' features we have found while trying to document every aspect of MP! And there are still LOTS we have not managed to document completely yet!
    • Every new release includes our new "What's New' wiki page so you get a quick and easy overview of all the changes and new features.
    • Users add How to tips and guides like - How do you get MP to....
    • Every extension provides documentation on all the features and customizations so you don't have to wade through threads of 500+ posts to find the one piece of info you were missing?
    • Every change the Team makes to MediaPortal is documented as it happens (as we have already begun to do!) so testers know what and how to test, and developers know exactly what has changed and how to implement the changes or features in their extensions or patches for MP. Mantis offers a great list of all the changes, but now our wiki will explain what they mean - how they change the user interface, how to implement them, and most importantly how to 'tweak' them to fit your system and preferences.
    Maybe I am just idealistically naive, but I think we have a chance to make a huge leap forward. Not only to attract new users, not only to help everyone take advantage of all MediaPortal has to offer, but to improve our methods and save everyone tons of time which we can better utilize making MP even better!

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