live TV subtitles MP2 (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 7, 2007
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Do live TV subtitles work for TV in Australia? If so what are the settings?

I am a 74 year old with hearing impairment and have been using MP1 for watching live TV with subtitles for quite a few years, currently MP 1.29. I am in Australia. There are a few shortcomings of MP1 that would drive me to MP2 but live TV subtitles are a must.

I have searched the forums over the last few years but have been unable to find confirmation. Hoping that an MP2 user in Australia can confirm that they work well.


Portal Pro
April 16, 2007
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Australia Australia
Hey I'm in Perth and running MP 2.4.1. I tested this for you. I don't use this feature myself normally.

I browsed to Settings>Players>Video Player>Subtitles and I enabled Teletext.

All the channels showed the TV subtitles successfully with the exception on the ABC channels. The text would flicker but then disappear too quickly to read. I don't know if this is normal behaviour for the ABC channels or it's just a temporary problem.


Portal Member
June 7, 2007
Home Country
@Lardy Hi and thanks for that. That is encouraging. I am in Mullumbimby. I'll set up the latest MP2 and try it. Subtitles on ABC work fine here on MP1. Will report how I go. Cheers.


Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    In case it does not happen for MP1 on ABC channel it’s very probably solvable also for MP2. Debug logs could maybe give a hint.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I browsed to Settings>Players>Video Player>Subtitles and I enabled Teletext.
    One caution. I have just tried subtitles on MP1, and I observe that if I enable subtitles, and then change channel, subtitles remain enabled. I think that this is what those who are hard of hearing would want. However...

    If I stop TV play, and then restart it, subtitles are disabled, and I need to switch them on again. I think that this would be annoying for the hard of hearing.

    So what does MP1 do? Well, MP1 offers a setting in "MP Config" called Autoshow subtitles when TV starts. I have this setting disabled (since I don't yet need subtitles), but I suspect that @fredzebu has this setting enabled. So the question is: Does MP2 offer this setting?

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Portal Member
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    @CyberSimian you are correct that I have Autoshow subtitles when TV starts checked in MP Config. I use a Microsoft MCE Remote and can turn subtitles on and off at any time fairly easily. It is in fact an 8 press sequence on the remote but it has become reflex for me. For example subtitles/CC are annoying for live broadcasts such as the evening News because of the time lag, so I turn them off then.

    I run MP on a Chuwi Herobox mini PC. I have a spare which I will drop in and setup with MP2 and try the subtitles and see how I like the overall performance. Will report back. Once again many thanks for your help. I will digest your reply in the MP1 "incorrect title" thread and reply later. Cheers.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    It is in fact an 8 press sequence on the remote but it has become reflex for me.
    If you customise your remote control, you can turn subtitles on and off with fewer button presses. In the screen shot below (click it to see it larger) I have used "MP Config" to change the action of the "TeleText" button so that it cycles through all available subtitles:


    In the UK, teletext no longer works, so that is why I chose the "TeleText" button. But if teletext still works in Australia, you can use some other button on the remote.

    Also, in the UK most programmes have three subtitle settings: Off, Auto, and Eng (=English). So it takes three button presses to cycle through all possibilities and return to the original setting. In Australia there might be more or fewer subtitle settings.

    You can customise the remote control buttons in MP2 too, but I don't know whether MP2 supports the "Next Subtitle" function that MP1 supports. Maybe @ge2301 knows?

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    You can customise the remote control buttons in MP2 too, but I don't know whether MP2 supports the "Next Subtitle" function that MP1 supports. Maybe @ge2301 knows?

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK
    There is not an action to go through the subtitles, but a button to open a dialog with all available subtitles and the option "None".
    The key "Yellow" is assigned for this by default. You can map another button to "yellow" in Input Devices.

    These are the available actions (keys) in FullScreenTV:
      <KeyBinding Key="ZoomMode" Command="{Command PlayerUIContributor.ShowZoomModeDialog}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Yellow" Command="{Command PlayerUIContributor.OpenChooseSubtitleDialog}" IsEnabled="{Binding PlayerUIContributor.SubtitlesAvailable}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Blue" Command="{Command Source={Service WorkflowManager},Path=NavigatePush,Parameters=A3F53310-4D93-4f93-8B09-D53EE8ACD829}" />
      <KeyBinding Key="Red" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource GeneralPlayerModel}, Path=SwitchPipPlayers}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Up" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource ExtendedVideoSkip},Path=InstantSkipForward}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=!IsOSDVisible}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Down" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource ExtendedVideoSkip},Path=InstantSkipBackward}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=!IsOSDVisible}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Right" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource ExtendedVideoSkip},Path=SkipStepForward}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=!IsOSDVisible}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Left" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource ExtendedVideoSkip},Path=SkipStepBackward}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=!IsOSDVisible}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Info" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=ToggleOSD}" />
      <KeyBinding Key="Escape" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=CloseOSD}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=IsOSDVisible}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Back" Command="{Command Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=CloseOSD}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=IsOSDVisible}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="PageUp" Command="{Command ZapNextChannel}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="PageDown" Command="{Command ZapPrevChannel}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="ChannelUp" Command="{Command ZapNextChannel}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="ChannelDown" Command="{Command ZapPrevChannel}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="ZapBack" Command="{Command ZapBack}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="*" Command="{Command ZapBack}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Record" Command="{Command RecordDialog}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="R" Command="{Command RecordDialog}"/>
      <KeyBinding Key="Ok" Command="{Command Source={Service ScreenManager},Path=ShowDialog,Parameters=SlimTVClient-miniguide}" IsEnabled="{Binding Source={StaticResource VideoPlayerModel}, Path=!IsOSDVisible}"/>


    Portal Member
    June 7, 2007
    Home Country
    @CyberSimian @Lardy
    I setup a clean install of MP2.4.1 and enabled subtitles and ABC tv channels subtitles do behave exactly as described by @Lardy. CC subtitles work perfectly for me in MP1 so I think I will stay with MP1 until something else forces me to MP2.

    @CyberSimian Teletext is also defunct in Oz. I was not able to get a simple "toggle CC subtitles on/off" function working by reprogramming the Teletext button on the Microsoft MCE remote as you described. I probably should now take this to the MP1 sub forum but the 8 button press sequence that I use is:

    1.i (info button brings up Info OSD)
    2.> (to CC)
    3.OK (brings up CC detail OSD submenu)
    4.^ (auto:eng[active])
    5.< (Enabled On or Off)
    6.OK (Enabled toggles On to Off, or Off to On)
    7.<- (back to Info OSD)
    8.<- (done. removes Info OSD)

    If there was an ability to map a macro key sequence to a single key this would be great, otherwise I am pretty good at this rote sequence.

    Once again many thanks for all your help. It is a lovely sunny morning, currently 20 degrees C so I am going out on the golf course to the practise fairway. Cheers for now.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I was not able to get a simple "toggle CC subtitles on/off" function working by reprogramming the Teletext button on the Microsoft MCE remote as you described.
    I think that this should work as I described. :confused:

    If you would like to get this to work, place the config file for the remote control in a zip file and attach the zip file to this thread. I will edit it, add the definition needed, and attach the modified version. Procedure:

    (1) Change the Windows folder settings so that hidden folders are visible.
    (2) Navigate to the folder:
    C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\​
    (3) Place in a zip file whichever of the following files you find in that folder:
    If you find both in that folder, put both files in the zip file.​
    (4) Upload and attach the zip file to this thread.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

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