TvPlugin schedule types and scheduling matching series on this channel (1 Viewer)


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  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    You may know that I developed my own (refactored) version of MP1 that uses centralized SQLite databases (in a multi-user fashion) to handle the client databases and I've been using that without any issues for ages now. I just don't have any problems any more with my multi-client environment - with client data being concurrent in real time for all users. I was originally happy to share that code but decided against doing that because it was too risky for existing users.
    I absolutely remember who you are. :D
    The problem is that some MP Team members tried to use your code and (for example for me) were failed to compile your code.
    Probably, because you changed your dev environment, without taking care of changes 'in .csproj or .sln or somewhere else, don't know...) for it works "out of the box"

    Maybe it's time for me to do the same thing with the Server component because I think the scheduler options don't really work for me and I could tailor options that work for me? I can also move the series information processing from my app to the EPG processing section in the server component making my environment a bit more simple.

    Well, if you have a solution to integrate DVB EPG seasons and episodes, we will take care of it (probably need to test on diffferents country).
    Be sure we look all things can improve MP.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    France France
    Here's where I set up my EPG:
    Happy to see you use "use all available tuners" :)
    I don't use any plugins.
    That's bad, maybe you could have seasons episodes :p
    Please, read again what I wrote :

    "For your EPG story, normally (depending on country), seasons and episodes are in xmltv files but not mandatory.
    And this is decoded by xmltv MP plugin in accordance with DTD syntax.
    However, sometimes, xmltv file is not complete.
    That's why, you can use DVB EPG to fill holes (wich can be filled by more yhan one tuner, now).
    But I found that,the most of time, unfortunately, seasons and episodes are not in DVB informations (can also depend on country). :("

    Anthony Vaughan

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  • June 25, 2015
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    I only use the "record every time on this channel"
    Thinking about it, I think these are the options I would most want to use:
    a) Record every time on this channel;
    b) Record weekly on this channel - meaning not every time; i.e. at the time of the selected program;
    c) Record matching series on this channel.

    I have developed another way of handing schedules that I've called 'Consolidate Schedule'. I use this option to handle when the EPG appends the episode name into the program name field. For example, if the EPG has 'F1 Australia' and 'F1 Monaco', my code renames all programs starting with 'F1' be called 'F1' moving 'Australia' and 'Monaco' to the episode name field. This is totally configurable using a SQLite database to store the string used to name the program series. I have been using this code for years and it solves a lot of problems. I think this works best outside MP1 as it's not standard behavior.

    Sometimes in the UK, a program series is shown during the week; showing repeats at the weekend. You would think that looks like Record Weekdays except that Record Weekdays only records by time period, not by program name. I could see a use for Record Weekdays if the process searches for programs matching the selected program name; like 'Record every time on this channel' for weekdays only.

    Anthony Vaughan

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  • June 25, 2015
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I absolutely remember who you are. :D
    The problem is that some MP Team members tried to use your code and (for example for me) were failed to compile your code.
    Probably, because you changed your dev environment, without taking care of changes 'in .csproj or .sln or somewhere else, don't know...) for it works "out of the box"

    Well, if you have a solution to integrate DVB EPG seasons and episodes, we will take care of it (probably need to test on diffferents country).
    Be sure we look all things can improve MP.
    Yes. Sadly something didn't work outside my environment and I wasn't able to see why.

    But, and I completely understand this, I encountered a lot of resistance regarding functionality as well. What I was doing was a major change. It's worked really well for me but I would need someone to really go for it to identify what the problem was at their end. I suspect it has something to do with entity framework being installed properly. In the end I decided to put my head back in the shell (tortoise-like). Not brave, but most practical for me. Being able to do my own thing has other advantages. For example, I have been able to change the scanning process, which currently retrieves up to 25 items per database (TI_MDB/TMDB), to only retrieve a configurable number of items in total (for all chosen databases in the order you have set them to), overrideable at run-time. This change has massively shortened scan times while also getting rid of lots of extraneous films with tenuous matches.

    The difference with the server component is that I won't be having to be nearly so radical. Having said that, my code, that populates the seriesNum and episodeNum fields uses Linq and Lambda so there may need to be some configuration changes.

    I am happy to share but will need some feedback about what absolutely has to be kept and what I can ditch. It's easy for me if I just do my own thing but making my setup available to all will, I suspect, cause a greater level of complexity. If you do want me to share my code, then I really want to get it right and make the resulting options fully functional and unbeatable (i.e. cover the most commonly wanted recording options). This component of the MP1 system is, to me, vital and has to be bulletproof.

    What do you think?


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
    Home Country
    France France
    What do you think?
    I think that MP is a Team so, I'm not alone to decide but my humble opinion:
    If you have changes to provide :

    1/ Don't give a "package" with many changes.
    2/ Do it simple.
    3/ Separate functionality(ies) one by one, go step by step.
    For example : Make 1 post with code for episodenum...
    Make another post for TMDB.
    4/ If you change environment, (Linq, Lambda, blabla....), you have to provide a functional solution.
    YOU know what you made, the others NO and, they are not magicians and don't have crystal ball.
    For that, maybe create another virtual image of new windows install with new visual studio and GIT, try to compil a new MP solution by yourself and, note and try to fix problems

    5/ Be patient.
    Believe me, even if you have many code integrated in MP since many years, some time, you have to wait long time until a newer functionality/bugfix will be integrated.
    6/ OFC, If you provide code working without bad side effect and this, repeatly, at the end, I suppose what you say/write is more listen...


    Anthony Vaughan

    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 25, 2015
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I think that MP is a Team so, I'm not alone to decide but my humble opinion:
    If you have changes to provide :

    1/ Don't give a "package" with many changes.
    2/ Do it simple.
    3/ Separate functionality(ies) one by one, go step by step.
    For example : Make 1 post with code for episodenum...
    Make another post for TMDB.
    4/ If you change environment, (Linq, Lambda, blabla....), you have to provide a functional solution.
    YOU know what you made, the others NO and, they are not magicians and don't have crystal ball.
    For that, maybe create another virtual image of new windows install with new visual studio and GIT, try to compil a new MP solution by yourself and, note and try to fix problems

    5/ Be patient.
    Believe me, even if you have many code integrated in MP since many years, some time, you have to wait long time until a newer functionality/bugfix will be integrated.
    6/ OFC, If you provide code working without bad side effect and this, repeatly, at the end, I suppose what you say/write is more listen...


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