Windows FLP and MediaPortal (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 13, 2007
Home Country
Firstly, what is Windows FLP? It's a cut-down version of XP used for older, legacy machines. Check the Wiki link for hardware requirements

Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I recently have reformatted and decided, for a bit of fun, to see if I could get MP RC3 running with Windows FLP SP3. Long story short, after some minor fiddling and back and forth, I can say that for all intents and purposes, it runs fine. And FLP runs noticeably quicker for day-to-day operation. So much so, I'm considering removing my Ubuntu installation on my laptop and using it instead.

There are a couple of quirks. It uses a different SP3 (link), it runs less services (but some added ones for Point Of Sale/Embedded Devices - which you can disable using 'services.msc'), it is missing Windows Installer (needed to install NET and other software - easily downloaded from MS). Autopatcher and Windows Update seemed to work fine.

You may notice I am speaking in past tense though. I had one showstopper for me. I couldn't install a font that is used with Monochrome. It was in the /font/ folder but Monochrome would still default to Verdana (or whatever it uses and it looks bad). I didn't try and fix the problem, googling etc as I also had a problem with xmltv which turned out was still apparent in a normal XP SP3 install.

Using the default Blue3 skin worked well, Live TV had no issues, everything seemed to work as normal.

Now, would one use FLP instead of Vista or XP SP3? I don't see why not but if you ever ran into a problem, finding support would be a nightmare just in case something is missing in a FLP install, rather than a XP one. I'm running a Nforce board with an onboard 7100 and I (at the moment) am only using 1GB of RAM which means 256 is stolen for the video card. FLP ran well with the 768MB of RAM left over, quite snappily in fact (more so than a heavy nlited or tuned XP with services off). I haven't run two machines side by side or dual booting so this is all heresay without extensive testing.

Point of this post? None. Just was a little experiment to see if it would work. Next time I reformat, I may try it again with a different skin but I do love my Monochrome You may add Windows FLP to minimum requirements perhaps.

Edit: Just googled Font installation. There are a few options there so it may be a moot problem with FLP.


New Member
May 26, 2008
Lucky man!
On my FLP mediaportal wouldn't work; when i try to start it, crash all the time!!
Sp2 or 3 no difference, same crash!
Which release of FLP are you installed?


Portal Pro
January 13, 2007
Home Country
It says:

Microsoft Windows
Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
Version 2006
Service Pack 3


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  • January 19, 2007
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    Edit: Just googled Font installation. There are a few options there so it may be a moot problem with FLP.

    Have you tried clearing the cache directory after setting up the font? If you install a skin THEN the font, the skin doesn't update the font it uses until the cache is cleared.


    Portal Pro
    January 13, 2007
    Home Country
    The initial problem was that I couldn't install the font into \Windows\Fonts like one could in XP even before any of the skin problems.

    Some googling told me that it could be bypassed but by the time I found that out I reformatted again. I've gone through another reformat since then, trying XP Black Edition this time.

    Now none of my recordings show up in recorded tv even though they are 'there' in the database. Waiting for the next major release before I attack it.

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