Xml-TV: No epg-update despite successful manual import (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 15, 2013
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear all,

having some trouble with XmlTv I'd really appreciate your help:

I run Mediaporta 1.5 on my HTPC, epg grabbing via XmlTv/mc2xml worked nicely including automatical updates.

Now I suddenly have the problem that the epg data update in MediaPortal is not working any more, the data is available for just 4 instead of 14 days ahead.
I renewed the xmltv-folder, performed a new download and installation of the mc2xml.exe, downloaded the xmltv.dtd file again. Then I performed the channel mappings in XmlTV again and saved the mapping - this works without problems. After performing a "force import" of the tvguide.xml file ("Delete old programs before import" is tagged) the file import status is "successfully" (113 channels, 15348 programs).
BUT: When opening MediaPortal again the data for the TV-programs has not been updated there - still just 4 days ahead since the last successful update 10 days ago, but no import of new program data.

I would tremendously appreciate your help with this problem since this already happend some months ago and the only way I could bring it to work was a time-consuming deinstallation and a following new installation of the whole MediaPortal system.

Thanks a lot in advance, Semmlein


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello and welcome Semmlein

    The first thing to do with such a problem is to confirm that the XML file actually contains data for more than 4 days (could be a problem on the provider side). Have you checked this?

    I note that XML files can be opened in any text editor (notepad, word etc.).



    Portal Member
    March 15, 2013
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi mm,

    thanks a lot for your fast answer and your help!!!

    I checked the tvguide.xml file and though it's very cryptic it seems to me as if the data for the upcoming 10 days is missing there. This could of course as you mentioned be the explanation to the missing data in the MediaPortal epg. So far I grabbed the data via microsoft.com but when running the mc2xml.exe the status is: "no new data available". So if a lack of the microsoft epg data causes the problem I'd need an alternative solution to update my program data. I tried webgrab+ some months ago but couldn't install/customize it properly. What would you suggest as an expert?

    Thanks a lot, Semmlein


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  • December 20, 2011
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    a few comments and things you could try. I'm in the USA and use mc2xml, this ran as expected last night and downloaded new EPG up to Nov 1. About 14 days of data, might be different in your country.

    1. In the folder with mc2xml, delete the mc2xml.dat file, manually run mc2xml and redo your initial mc2xml setup. This will download the newest EPG data.

    2. start TV Server Config > Manual Control, stop and start to restart the TV Server. The auto-detect of new tvguide.xml file should start after you do the restart. See wiki. But since mc2xml/xmltv has worked for a while you probably don't need to try this.

    3. The MePo wiki does have a setup guide for WebGrab++, maybe this would help you get WG++ running. If you have trouble getting this setup for you country your could ask on the http://webgrabplus.com/forum



    Portal Member
    March 15, 2013
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi RonD,

    thanks for your comments.

    I tried the 2 suggestions you made - but without success. When running the mc2xml.exe today the status is still "no new data available".

    I guess that there is a problem with the epg data supply by microsoft.com. After deleting the mc2xml.dat file and importing the newest EPG data the new file was identical to the existing tvguide file and when opening it the EPG data contains 14 days but starts 10 days ago. So I think that there is a lack of updated EPG data on the microsoft server. I tried to search on the www if this problem is reported especially by MS MediaCenter users but so far I could not find any hint for that.
    But I wonder if other MP and mc2xml users in Germany have the same problem...

    Maybe I should switch to WebGrab++ using the setup guide you mentioned.


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  • June 10, 2013
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    So I think that there is a lack of updated EPG data on the microsoft server. I tried to search on the www if this problem is reported especially by MS MediaCenter users
    Yes, UK users of Windows Media Center are experiencing the same problem. See this thread:


    If you are registered for Microsoft Connect, you can add your name to those who have already reported the problem.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Portal Member
    March 15, 2013
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Seems that the problems in the UK was solved since users reported successful updating of EPG data.
    But today I tried to update the EPG data for Germany via mc2xml.exe but again after connecting to microsoft.com there is "no new data available".


    Has anyone an idea how to get EPG data for mc2xml/xmlTV from another provider?[DOUBLEPOST=1382438285][/DOUBLEPOST]SOLVED!

    EPG data is back for German channels, too. Seems that microsoft fixed the problem tonight, now the tvguide.xml file was successfully updated and the EPG data is back in MP for 14 days ahead.
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