Yet Another Blu-Ray Idea. (1 Viewer)


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    Wales Wales
    Yesterday I finally got round to extracting the m2ts file from one of my Blu-Ray files with the help of AnyDVD. I didnt realise it was as easy as simply enabling AnyDVD and then copying over the largest m2ts file on the disk. So I can now play the m2ts file in MediaPortal.

    This got me thinking - assuming AnyDVD was a pre-requisite, could someone (i'm not expecting this from the main MP team) make a plugin that allows basic Blu-Ray playback inside MP - this is how I see it working:

    1. You need AnyDVD HD
    2. When a Blu-Ray disk is inserted, the plugin searches for the largest m2ts file on disk, and then plays that using the internal player.

    So downsides:

    1. You lose any extras/meus and go straight to the main movie
    2. You need AnyDVD HD

    But other than that it would be just like playing a DVD - or am I missing something.

    Any devs like to comment on the complexity of this? i.e

    If Blu-Ray inserted
    --- search for m2ts
    ------ if found, select largest
    ------ play with internal player.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    1. You need AnyDVD HD
    2. When a Blu-Ray disk is inserted, the plugin searches for the largest m2ts file on disk, and then plays that using the internal player.

    So downsides:

    1. You lose any extras/meus and go straight to the main movie
    2. You need AnyDVD HD

    And as a third that wont work with all Blu-ray disks (some use seamless branching, having even 100 .mt2s files for the main movie). Also some movies could have extras that are longer than the main movie (yep, seen those in some forums).

    So, at least MP itself wont add such non-working hack to play Blu-ray disks (or course some plugin developer is free to implement a plugin, but it is highly adviced that the plugin author states the short comings to the end user of such plugin).


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    Wales Wales
    Ah yes I see those 100+ m2ts files could be a problem then! So much for my plan, nevermind - just an idea.

    thanks for the quick reply tourettes


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  • January 12, 2009
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    Denmark Denmark
    Revs, I can recommend reading this: http://forum.************/showthread.php?t=25818
    With AnydvdHD and Clown BD, you can rip the main movie (including any subtitles) to an ISO-file.
    When mounting this ISO in Daemon Tools, you are then able to play your BluRay movie.
    Each movie (that I have ripped) takes up somewhere between 22 and 26Gb - your mileage may vary :)

    My problem is actually how to setup MediaPortal to play this ISO. As far as I know, MP does not support BluRay. If anybody has an easy to follow step-by-step guide to making this happen (with a thirdparty product, but controlled from MP) I would be very happy...


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
    South London
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    sgatke...why make the process (using daemon tools) so complicted? Why not just rip the movie as an mkv file using ripbot, then just play the mkv file through MP (moving pictures, myfilms)?


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  • January 12, 2009
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    Denmark Denmark
    I tried Googling for RipBot - thousands of hits :)
    Problem now, is finding the right link...
    Do you, by any chance have a link to a step by step guide which I could read?

    Will the quality (video+audio) be lossless using RipBot? This is one of the things I like with my current setup. And once I figured out how to do this with AnyDvdHD and Clown BD, I did not find it that complicated :)


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
    South London
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    England England
    This one looks pretty good. Its all pretty straight forward though. RipBot is pretty much a front end that does all the work for you (converting bluray to mkv usually involves a lot of muxing and messing about, but the ripbot GUI does it all for you).


    Portal Pro
    September 21, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    MKV files are not lossless but after viewing actual Blu Ray discs and then viewing a 1080p rip of the same exact disc, my eyes cannot see any difference between the two, and the 1080p mkv rip is about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the ISO file.

    I would say try it out and then see what you think but I use mkv for all my files to save space - I know people say space is cheap etc but if I can't see a difference between the 1080p mkv and the actual blu ray disc then what does it matter to me? :) Plus I like not having to go through menus, etc and having the native playability right in MediaPortal without extra tweaking.


    Portal Pro
    February 20, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    MKV files are not lossless but after viewing actual Blu Ray discs and then viewing a 1080p rip of the same exact disc, my eyes cannot see any difference between the two, and the 1080p mkv rip is about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the ISO file.

    I would say try it out and then see what you think but I use mkv for all my files to save space - I know people say space is cheap etc but if I can't see a difference between the 1080p mkv and the actual blu ray disc then what does it matter to me? :) Plus I like not having to go through menus, etc and having the native playability right in MediaPortal without extra tweaking.

    Note, MKV is just a container, like AVI. it can have pretty much any format of video in it. What you refer to, is a MKV using h264 as the codec, which is actually the same codec as blu-ray uses. You should be able to notice a difference between the original and a more compressed rip, they are using the same codec, or otherwise your TV was too far away for the difference to be significant.

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