Post thread

Before you create this bug report:

  1. Make sure that your system (Windows, codecs and drivers) is up to date, matching the Requirements and you've filled in your System Specs.
  2. Have a look at our MediaPortal Wiki! Maybe the solution is already there.
  3. Have a look at our Jira (Bug and Issue Tracker)and the threads in this section, maybe your problem is already known.
  4. Search the forums for your problem, it's very likely that someone else already encountered the same problem.

Please always include log files with your Bug Report!

Check out our Wiki: Bug Reports and Log Files


Describe the Problem you encounter as detailed as possible! "It does not work" won't help the team to understand the problem. 


Describe as detailed as possible the steps that are required to encounter the issue. This info is critical for the team to understand the problem. 

  Steps to Reproduce: 


Select the MediaPortal 2 version you use. Please do not add bugreports for previous versions.

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