MP Config loads profiles from both 'InputDeviceMappings' folders: default(MP exe folder) and custom(ProgramData).
If you modify default profile, then 'user' suffix is added and the profile is...
Thanks for explaining. I found a passing reference to this here:
which I had overlooked in the past. I would find it...
The problem seems to be that updating the "Mappings" in MP config creates the necessary "hid.full.user*.xml" file but fails to update "MediaPortal.xml" to point to it. I have now substituted the...
I added ctl-g for TVguide back in the "mappings" dialog, which resulted in "hid.full.user2.xml" in "InputDeviceMappings". In "MediaPortal.xml", "HidProfile" is still just "full".
'hid.full.xml' is in 'InputDeviceMappings' under 'defaults', whereas 'hid.full.user*.xml' are in 'InputDeviceMappings' directly under 'MediaPortal'. What do you have for "HidProfile" in...
MediaPortal.xml attached along with hid.full.user1.xml, which mysteriously appeared in InputDeviceMappings after fooling around some more with the Mappings dialog.
It seems to be the result of my...
Now I have EPG data (it was empty before) so there should be some EPG events in the attached logs.
However, these logs are with the original DLL, which I reinstated in desperation when everything...
It looks like the extended logging setting didn't "take". I reenabled it and have attached new logs.
I started out by adding some keys through the MP config mapping dialog in order to find out...
The tuners appear to be blocked. The option "Use all available tuners" no longer appears in the DVB EPG panel. When I try to watch TV, I get "no cards available". New logs attached.
New logs with HID extended logging (and debug level) attached. I pressed half a dozen of the keys that were added to hid.full.user.xml
That's where it is, but I didn't put it there; MP config did.
I thought that Windows prevented bypassing UAC in %ProgramFiles% except by disabling it completely. However, the problem appears to be fixed in OLV 2.7.0. OTOH, maybe there just aren't any updates...