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    • rsbrux
      Attached are new TV service logs with your latest DLL. I see lots of EPG events and none of the messages from earlier. Congratulations!
    • rsbrux
      rsbrux reacted to Pablik's post in the thread 1.36 HID keyboard custom actions no longer work with
      Thank You!
      MP Config loads profiles from both 'InputDeviceMappings' folders: default(MP exe folder) and custom(ProgramData). If you modify default profile, then 'user' suffix is added and the profile is...
    • rsbrux
      Thanks for explaining. I found a passing reference to this here: which I had overlooked in the past. I would find it...
    • rsbrux
      The problem seems to be that updating the "Mappings" in MP config creates the necessary "hid.full.user*.xml" file but fails to update "MediaPortal.xml" to point to it. I have now substituted the...
    • rsbrux
      What about the directory? As you say, "hid.full.user*.xml" gets created under %ProgramData%, but "hid.full.xml" is under %ProgramFiles%.
    • rsbrux
      I added ctl-g for TVguide back in the "mappings" dialog, which resulted in "hid.full.user2.xml" in "InputDeviceMappings". In "MediaPortal.xml", "HidProfile" is still just "full".
    • rsbrux
      'hid.full.xml' is in 'InputDeviceMappings' under 'defaults', whereas 'hid.full.user*.xml' are in 'InputDeviceMappings' directly under 'MediaPortal'. What do you have for "HidProfile" in...
    • rsbrux
      MediaPortal.xml attached along with hid.full.user1.xml, which mysteriously appeared in InputDeviceMappings after fooling around some more with the Mappings dialog. It seems to be the result of my...
    • rsbrux
      Now I have EPG data (it was empty before) so there should be some EPG events in the attached logs. However, these logs are with the original DLL, which I reinstated in desperation when everything...
    • rsbrux
      It looks like the extended logging setting didn't "take". I reenabled it and have attached new logs. I started out by adding some keys through the MP config mapping dialog in order to find out...
    • rsbrux
      Working normally again after reboot. New logs attached.
    • rsbrux
      The tuners appear to be blocked. The option "Use all available tuners" no longer appears in the DVB EPG panel. When I try to watch TV, I get "no cards available". New logs attached.
    • rsbrux
      New logs with HID extended logging (and debug level) attached. I pressed half a dozen of the keys that were added to hid.full.user.xml That's where it is, but I didn't put it there; MP config did.
    • rsbrux
      Here you go. I ran "Refresh DVB EPG". I hope that's enough.
    • rsbrux
      I thought that Windows prevented bypassing UAC in %ProgramFiles% except by disabling it completely. However, the problem appears to be fixed in OLV 2.7.0. OTOH, maybe there just aren't any updates...
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