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    • ltfearme
      ltfearme reacted to fischy667's post in the thread Won't Authorize Account with
      You have the "MediaPortal.xml" file in the folder (Not the .bak file). It is the MediaPortal file with the Edge logo (second screenshot). Your system hides the file extension, that's why you to do...
    • ltfearme
      ltfearme replied to the thread Won't Authorize Account.
      Hey Mick, you can either authorise from the configuration tool or from inside MediaPortal. Whatever suits. Cheers Damien
    • ltfearme
      ltfearme replied to the thread Won't Authorize Account.
      Hi @mickb, follow these steps: 1. Open your C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPorta.xml file for editing 2. Search for UseSSL 3. Change the value of no to yes 4. Restart...
    • ltfearme
      ltfearme replied to the thread Trakt api not working.
      @hounddog, 1. Open your C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPorta.xml file for editing 2. Search for UseSSL 3. Change the value of no to yes 4. Restart MediaPortal / configuration
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