16:9 Skins on 16:10 displaylike widescreen movies? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 22, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
I have a 16:10 Monitor on my comp now.
Because there are lots of 16:9 skins but very few 16:10 i would like to use one of those
But i see them always stretched ist there a way to see them widescreen like with small black borders + correct aspect ratio.
If yes how?

btw i found this post
widescreen skin for native 16:10
so if the guy answered is right its possible but how?


Portal Member
July 31, 2010
Home Country
Germany Germany
Re: 16:9 Skins on 16:10 display

I would like to know this, too. Is it possible to keep the 16:9 ratio of the skin on a 16:10 display?


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  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    If you want to mod a skin yourself, there is a batch script that you can alter to move all your skin elements down the required number of pixels, then just change your skin size in references.xml. You should result in black bars at the top and bottom of the skin. You would have to do this for each skin install and plugin skin you add. There may also be issues from the original design of the skin that might run graphic elements off the original skin viewable area but would be visible in the black areas of the new size, your option would be to add the needed black bars as a graphic element on the top layer of the skin..

    Your skin would be unique and probably not supported by the originating skin designer.

    but it is possible.



    Portal Member
    July 31, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: 16:9 Skins on 16:10 displaylike widescreen movies?

    By searching for "batch script" i got a lot of results but nothing useful. Do you know where I can find this script?


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Here is the VB script that I use to 'adjust' my 4X3 skins to fit my 800 x 600 display. I've included (hopefully) any instance of elements that might be positioned (not offsets) on the display. There are x and y position values that can be changed. drag the vbs into notepad and make the changes needed, then save. Make sure you back-up your skin folder before running the script (just double click). The script should be placed in the root folder of the skin you are changing and should make changes in any sub-folders as well. I sometimes will isolate individual skin xml's, say for a new plugin, in a separate folder for safely adapting the plugin skin to my skin requirements before adding it to my skin.

    If you are shifting ALL screen elements equally down 15 pixels (for example), just change the y values of each element positive 15.
    Dim rxSearch(9, 1) ' First value sets number of searches (zero-based)
    rxSearch(0, 0) = "<posX>(\d+)</posX>"
    rxSearch(0, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(1, 0) = "<posY>(\d+)</posY>"
    rxSearch(1, 1) = 15
    rxSearch(2, 0) = "<spinposX>(\d+)</spinposX>"
    rxSearch(2, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(3, 0) = "<spinposY>(\d+)</spinposY>"
    rxSearch(3, 1) = 15
    rxSearch(4, 0) = "<hoverX>(\d+)</hoverX>"
    rxSearch(4, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(5, 0) = "<hoverY>(\d+)</hoverY>"
    rxSearch(5, 1) = 15
    rxSearch(6, 0) = "<backgroundx>(\d+)</backgroundx>"
    rxSearch(6, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(7, 0) = "<backgroundy>(\d+)</backgroundy>"
    rxSearch(7, 1) = 15
    rxSearch(8, 0) = "<InfoImagex>(\d+)</InfoImagex>"
    rxSearch(8, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(9, 0) = "<InfoImagey>(\d+)</InfoImagey>"
    rxSearch(9, 1) = 15

    If you are moving ALL elements to the left 15 pixels, then change the x values to negative 15.
    Dim rxSearch(9, 1) ' First value sets number of searches (zero-based)
    rxSearch(0, 0) = "<posX>(\d+)</posX>"
    rxSearch(0, 1) = -15
    rxSearch(1, 0) = "<posY>(\d+)</posY>"
    rxSearch(1, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(2, 0) = "<spinposX>(\d+)</spinposX>"
    rxSearch(2, 1) = -15
    rxSearch(3, 0) = "<spinposY>(\d+)</spinposY>"
    rxSearch(3, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(4, 0) = "<hoverX>(\d+)</hoverX>"
    rxSearch(4, 1) = -15
    rxSearch(5, 0) = "<hoverY>(\d+)</hoverY>"
    rxSearch(5, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(6, 0) = "<backgroundx>(\d+)</backgroundx>"
    rxSearch(6, 1) = -15
    rxSearch(7, 0) = "<backgroundy>(\d+)</backgroundy>"
    rxSearch(7, 1) = 0
    rxSearch(8, 0) = "<InfoImagex>(\d+)</InfoImagex>"
    rxSearch(8, 1) = -15
    rxSearch(9, 0) = "<InfoImagey>(\d+)</InfoImagey>"
    rxSearch(9, 1) = 0

    This vbs was graciously contributed by a forum member (whose name slips me)... many thanks. :)




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