A few questions about the TV Guide (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 22, 2006
I have three questions about the TV Guide....

1. Is there a 'GUIDE' button that I can use which will directly bring up the EPG? Right now I am using 'Exit' which works fine, but the guide button would be nice.

2. When I am watching live tv and i hit the EXIT button on my remote I go to the guide, however, the guide gets reset to channel 01 (the first channel in my epg) rather than whatever I am watching.. Anyway to fix this?

3. The tv guide does not seem to work when I input channel numbers directly. "4" just jumps to the 4th channel in the EPG however the channel number is actually "203" . How can i enter channel # "515" and have it actually go to that channel in the EPG?

Thanks.. love the new server. well worth it.


Portal Member
January 6, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi switzch,

For point 1

You should be able to go into MP setup (Not the TVE3 setup) and click on the remotes tab. There you can select the remote you are using and use the 'Learn' function to teach your remote what actions you want from what buttons.

For Points 2 & 3

Not really sure on exact reasons but TVE3 does not use channel numbers, it uses the sort number or position of the channel in the list to select channels. That's why when you press '4' on your remote it would go to the 4th channel in the list or if you pressed '515', it would go to the 515th channel in the list (if there was one) or stay where it was if there wasn't.

I have made a couple of posts asking the DEV's to change the way TVE3 selects channels but so far it's fallen on deaf ears!:(

I can't blame them really, if it's not something that everyone wants then why change it?

Maybe if someone could modify the code we could complile our version that we like, but that's beyond me. (However I am learning c# & SQL!)

Anyway, hope that helps a little.



Portal Member
April 22, 2006
Hey, I think I should have been a little more clear. I am using girder and in the tv setup in there is no keystoke that I can map to a guide button my remote. Not really a biggy because the exit button just brings you back from the live tv to the epg. Just seems like it would be a good button to have since most remotes have a guide button. Unless I have completely overlooked it.

I am really surprised media portal does not use channel numbers 'normally'. I have a pretty big guide and jumping to a specific area of the guide would be really helpful (Yes, I am lazy and have not made channel groups). This becomes a problem even more when the guide resets to the lowest channel (rather than what is currently live) every time i go from live tv to the guide. I am sure the developers will get around to it. They have a remarkable piece of software already.


Portal Pro
July 7, 2006
Alcalá de Henares
Home Country
Spain Spain
Hi switzch, I am using girder 3.3.8 and I use sendmessage plugin instead of keystrokes, if you want to send messages to mediaportal from girder you need also to install mce replacement plugin https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/original_thread_mce_replacement_plugin_v1_0-t11068.html by and81.
So I receive remote signals in girder and send messages to mediaportal, the mesage number is 32768, the wParam is 24, and the lParam is the "code" number in the
Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults\Microsoft MCE.xml file .

I had a list of codes but I cannot find it now.

About the channel numbers I agree.


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