Ok, my dear friends, let’s talk a bit before going to bed about MP-the-winner.
I had did try several HTPC-programs and I would rather say big “THANK YOU” to people, who are making this piece of SW for us!
What makes this piece of s… an outstanding program?
Too many reasons:
- nice GUI (definitely, it’s much better then Dreambox Enigma, or minimalist ProgDVB (oops, how I love childish fonts of MyTheatre!)),
- thank you for working with Imon VFD without switching it to ‘work with third-party programs’,
- yes, the SW has convenient music sorting (mainly using ‘genre’ tags, which is too important with my 43K of songs),
- thank you for last.fm plugin.
I would rather say – that’s all a may need.
Let’s omit useless words.
MP is a unique program, where every new daily-nightly build (a real night(ly)mare) solves a problem and present me with a two new critical pains-in-the-grass!
It places me on the needle, making me an addict, who spends days before PC making it work instead of using it.
Please, programmers, STOP IT!
I’m full!
MP slows down and I have to upgrade my PC.
With some builds I’m not able to use ID3 tags, because some wisest man corrupted DB instead of sleeping. What is to rescan music DB for me I’ll tell you later.
Oops, now ‘genre’ tags went mad again – I have ‘Techno-industrial’ and ‘techno-industrial’ with the same quantity of songs… Funk it!
Problems, problems…
No salvation!
Dead end!
Now stop crying and FACT-up it.
1. Scanning 43K of songs placed on Netgear SC101 storage connected through LevelOne PLI-2030 HomePlug (200Mbps):
- MP – 12 hours (last RC – 9 hours – BIRD OF PREY(!); hey, wisest man, why don’t you go to bed and not give me a new problem)
- DVBViewer Pro (a totally TV prog) – 4 hours,
- WMP – 1-2 hours,
- Musicmatch Jukebox – 1-2 hours.
Upgrading from AMD 64 3000+ to AMD 64x2 6000+ and RAM from 1Gb to 2 Gb was of no use.
2. MP is convenient in manipulating with tags and playlists, it has two ‘now playing’ pages. Yes, I didn’t find any other program with such features, but they are not like such dying turtles.
1. Opening a DVD-movie ripped to Netgear HDD:
- MP – 1-2 minutes,
- DVBViewer Pro – 2-5 seconds,
- WMP – 2-5 seconds.
- WinAMP - 2-5 seconds,
- ZoomPlayer - 2-5 seconds.
2. What on the screen:
- MP – artifacts, when watching files from 1 Gb and above (slowing down and jumping in fast movements of camera, an artifact like ‘>’ in the lower left corner); the problem isn’t solved when changing codec or adjusting it,
- DVBViewer Pro – no artifacts,
- WMP – no artifacts,
- WinAMP - no artifacts
- ZoomPlayer - no artifacts.
Upgrading from AMD 64 3000+ to AMD 64x2 6000+ and RAM from 1Gb to 2 Gb was of no use.
3. TV – an MP killer-application (!)
Too many questions to programmers:
- Why do I need in TVE3 concept both a server and a client on one PC (I’m not going to switch off my HTPC)? Many programs, like DVBViewer Pro or others, use a separate prog mainly for real network streaming between two PCs, which I can use or not (!). Two application on one PC slow it down. Please remember it! I don’t have a Sun 490 server. I have merely a PC without HDTV watching!
- Why do I need ‘always timeshifting’ in TVE3? It also slows down my PC. Really slows down switching between channels. Sorry, but your idea of always timeshifting kills HTPC idea. Make an option ‘always timeshifting’, which I’ll switch off for ever. You know, other progs do have it or they let me watch TV ‘as is’ with manual timeshifting, if I wish.
- I didn’t have any chance to use my analogue Gotview PCI DVD2 Lite card properly. In summer it worked 50/50, but now I always have ‘no video/audio’ even without switching to SS2. I may see channels in configuration panel, but in MP only one channel works. If I open configuration panel again, I see ‘no video/audio’ and no channels. And it lasts from summer!
- I decided to roll back to simple TVE2 and build the graph manually, but I can’t add cards any more. Why? TVE3 is of no use! It’s a real harm to my PC! No TV and slowing down – that’s the result of creativity.
- TVE3 can’t find all the channels. With Gotview PCI DVD2 Lite I miss some and can’t add them manually. I can do it in panel, but I can’t watch them.
- As for SS2 TVE3 doesn’t see all the transponders in last builds. Say, I can browse only one transponder from HotBird from LNB A. Earlier it worked!
- I didn’t see DVB EPG at all!
- Another problem – some builds of TVE3 were installed without problems, some proposed me to recreate the DB, and I lost everything (let the wisest man go to sleep!). But once the DB was recreated, I had connection to MSSQL, but I couldn’t work with it. I asked the question and got the answer – ‘reinstall TVE3 and MSSQL, if everything goes wrong, use MySQL’. Everything went wrong, and I was forced to use MySQL. I got a problem with Russian names. I tried to rename ‘???’ in panel, but in some builds new information wasn’t saved at all. In some I succeeded in it, but got ‘???’ again in MP. I adjusted MySQL to understand Russian. I could type Russian letters directly in DB and see them. But if I do it in panel, I got ‘???’ again. That’s not a problem of DB! It’s all your fault!
- Slowest GUI + always timeshifting + needless TV server on the same PC = nonsense. But why do you use MSSQL or MySQL? To kill my PC? Are you working for AMD, Intel, Kingston, etc? Be professional – use Oracle! Why not?! Forget about primitive SQL-lite or even MSAccess!
So, what the end of my piece of rubbish?
- Do you want to rebuild the whole concept and make your SW really HTPC SW? Please, let the wisest man go to sleep! I beg you!
- Look at the core critically – is it for PC-users? Throw out things which prevent me from fast using MP. You saw my fingers above. I read about useless TV ideas. And, please, let the wisest man go to sleep! I beg you!
- Stop belching your daily nightmares! Make one working version (RC is not working properly) and one big beta-release (I won’t use it, as I’m not a beta-taster).
- Find a project manager.
- Be simple!
- Go to bed!
PS. You may delete my post.
I had did try several HTPC-programs and I would rather say big “THANK YOU” to people, who are making this piece of SW for us!
What makes this piece of s… an outstanding program?
Too many reasons:
- nice GUI (definitely, it’s much better then Dreambox Enigma, or minimalist ProgDVB (oops, how I love childish fonts of MyTheatre!)),
- thank you for working with Imon VFD without switching it to ‘work with third-party programs’,
- yes, the SW has convenient music sorting (mainly using ‘genre’ tags, which is too important with my 43K of songs),
- thank you for last.fm plugin.
I would rather say – that’s all a may need.
Let’s omit useless words.
MP is a unique program, where every new daily-nightly build (a real night(ly)mare) solves a problem and present me with a two new critical pains-in-the-grass!
It places me on the needle, making me an addict, who spends days before PC making it work instead of using it.
Please, programmers, STOP IT!
I’m full!
MP slows down and I have to upgrade my PC.
With some builds I’m not able to use ID3 tags, because some wisest man corrupted DB instead of sleeping. What is to rescan music DB for me I’ll tell you later.
Oops, now ‘genre’ tags went mad again – I have ‘Techno-industrial’ and ‘techno-industrial’ with the same quantity of songs… Funk it!
Problems, problems…
No salvation!
Dead end!
Now stop crying and FACT-up it.
1. Scanning 43K of songs placed on Netgear SC101 storage connected through LevelOne PLI-2030 HomePlug (200Mbps):
- MP – 12 hours (last RC – 9 hours – BIRD OF PREY(!); hey, wisest man, why don’t you go to bed and not give me a new problem)
- DVBViewer Pro (a totally TV prog) – 4 hours,
- WMP – 1-2 hours,
- Musicmatch Jukebox – 1-2 hours.
Upgrading from AMD 64 3000+ to AMD 64x2 6000+ and RAM from 1Gb to 2 Gb was of no use.
2. MP is convenient in manipulating with tags and playlists, it has two ‘now playing’ pages. Yes, I didn’t find any other program with such features, but they are not like such dying turtles.
1. Opening a DVD-movie ripped to Netgear HDD:
- MP – 1-2 minutes,
- DVBViewer Pro – 2-5 seconds,
- WMP – 2-5 seconds.
- WinAMP - 2-5 seconds,
- ZoomPlayer - 2-5 seconds.
2. What on the screen:
- MP – artifacts, when watching files from 1 Gb and above (slowing down and jumping in fast movements of camera, an artifact like ‘>’ in the lower left corner); the problem isn’t solved when changing codec or adjusting it,
- DVBViewer Pro – no artifacts,
- WMP – no artifacts,
- WinAMP - no artifacts
- ZoomPlayer - no artifacts.
Upgrading from AMD 64 3000+ to AMD 64x2 6000+ and RAM from 1Gb to 2 Gb was of no use.
3. TV – an MP killer-application (!)
Too many questions to programmers:
- Why do I need in TVE3 concept both a server and a client on one PC (I’m not going to switch off my HTPC)? Many programs, like DVBViewer Pro or others, use a separate prog mainly for real network streaming between two PCs, which I can use or not (!). Two application on one PC slow it down. Please remember it! I don’t have a Sun 490 server. I have merely a PC without HDTV watching!
- Why do I need ‘always timeshifting’ in TVE3? It also slows down my PC. Really slows down switching between channels. Sorry, but your idea of always timeshifting kills HTPC idea. Make an option ‘always timeshifting’, which I’ll switch off for ever. You know, other progs do have it or they let me watch TV ‘as is’ with manual timeshifting, if I wish.
- I didn’t have any chance to use my analogue Gotview PCI DVD2 Lite card properly. In summer it worked 50/50, but now I always have ‘no video/audio’ even without switching to SS2. I may see channels in configuration panel, but in MP only one channel works. If I open configuration panel again, I see ‘no video/audio’ and no channels. And it lasts from summer!
- I decided to roll back to simple TVE2 and build the graph manually, but I can’t add cards any more. Why? TVE3 is of no use! It’s a real harm to my PC! No TV and slowing down – that’s the result of creativity.
- TVE3 can’t find all the channels. With Gotview PCI DVD2 Lite I miss some and can’t add them manually. I can do it in panel, but I can’t watch them.
- As for SS2 TVE3 doesn’t see all the transponders in last builds. Say, I can browse only one transponder from HotBird from LNB A. Earlier it worked!
- I didn’t see DVB EPG at all!
- Another problem – some builds of TVE3 were installed without problems, some proposed me to recreate the DB, and I lost everything (let the wisest man go to sleep!). But once the DB was recreated, I had connection to MSSQL, but I couldn’t work with it. I asked the question and got the answer – ‘reinstall TVE3 and MSSQL, if everything goes wrong, use MySQL’. Everything went wrong, and I was forced to use MySQL. I got a problem with Russian names. I tried to rename ‘???’ in panel, but in some builds new information wasn’t saved at all. In some I succeeded in it, but got ‘???’ again in MP. I adjusted MySQL to understand Russian. I could type Russian letters directly in DB and see them. But if I do it in panel, I got ‘???’ again. That’s not a problem of DB! It’s all your fault!
- Slowest GUI + always timeshifting + needless TV server on the same PC = nonsense. But why do you use MSSQL or MySQL? To kill my PC? Are you working for AMD, Intel, Kingston, etc? Be professional – use Oracle! Why not?! Forget about primitive SQL-lite or even MSAccess!
So, what the end of my piece of rubbish?
- Do you want to rebuild the whole concept and make your SW really HTPC SW? Please, let the wisest man go to sleep! I beg you!
- Look at the core critically – is it for PC-users? Throw out things which prevent me from fast using MP. You saw my fingers above. I read about useless TV ideas. And, please, let the wisest man go to sleep! I beg you!
- Stop belching your daily nightmares! Make one working version (RC is not working properly) and one big beta-release (I won’t use it, as I’m not a beta-taster).
- Find a project manager.
- Be simple!
- Go to bed!
PS. You may delete my post.