A rundown of what people are using and what works (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 27, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I thought since, everyone here is mixed IE some have the TV portion working quite well and other do not. I thought it may be helpful if people could do a run down of say Its working or not on their end and what codecs they are using, etc . builds too see if their is some theme of what seems to work etc. As well as weather they are using the TS reader etc.

I have tried about 15-30 combinations and I get a really big varying degree of what works etc. I get everything from down right crashes using Dscaler and the TSreader, To Somewhat acceptable using MPV and TSReader. The best one on my end Ive found is using Ligos and TSreader. Anyway thought it would help people and the mediaportal group as a whole to identify issues and things to help streamline the server streaming etc.

Any thoughts would be helpful :)

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