A well done to the MP team... (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 2, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I'm not sure where to write this message, but I feel it should be read by
as many people as possible, if only to show the effect your work has in
everyday "digital life"....

To the MP team,

I just wanted to say what a fantastic piece of software. Having been using
it for about 1 year now I am immensely impressed with ALL aspects and its
just so satisfying to use. I absolutely love using it and would find it
hard to cope without it! It brings to life digital media in the home. What
I find astonishing is the real sense of community and interest shown in the
continuous development of this software. I mean where else could you write
directly to the software team themelves and actually be listened to?
More-over where else would user suggestions actually get implemented,
especially at the speed done by you guys. I am constantly impressed by the
buzz of constructive and effective activity in the forums. It just goes to
show that you have captured people's minds and their unreserved attention
with this software. Even the "complaints" and suggestions are taken onboard
well and everyone seems to want the software to do well and be improved! To
think that you guys give up a significant amount of your spare time without
financial gain is all the more impressive and completely unselfish. There
are not many things in life where you get something for nothing. MP proves
that with a great bunch of talented, intelligent and determined people you
get fantastic results in THE best media management software around. Once
again congratulations and never give up!!!

I see there is a paypal donation link on the homepage. I have no idea how
many users actually donate, but I suspect you get less than you all
deserve. I therefore call to anyone and everyone to show their appreciation
and make a donation. Even if its only a very small one, if enough people
donate then it will add up to be something worthwhile for all the hard work
the MP team have put in. Of course, I will be making a donation

Hats off to you all. What you have really is inspirational.



  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    OK... I might be lazy, but:

    ^^^ What he said!!!

    I have tried to donate, but my VISA does not get accepted by Pay Pal.... it says something about my bank not being *something* ... if I don't get it working soon, I'll but some bucks in a envelope and write "Frodo & co" on it - and hope for the best!


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 6, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I'm not sure where to write this message, but I feel it should be read by
    as many people as possible, if only to show the effect your work has in
    everyday "digital life"....

    To the MP team,
    again congratulations and never give up!!!


    Hats off to you all. What you have really is inspirational.


    I think, speaking for the whole team: :D

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