Abspielen nicht möglich: live.3-0.ts.tsbuffer (1 Viewer)


New Member
August 26, 2010
ich hoffe ihr könnt mir i-wie weiter helfen. Ich sitze schon den ganzen Abend vor meiner ersten Konfiguration in MediaPortal und komme einfach nicht weiter :confused:

Wenn ich einen TV-Sender starten möchte erscheint nach kurzer Zeit: "Abspielen nicht möglich: live.3-0.ts.tsbuffer"
Ich habe schon einiges zu diesem Thema hier im Forum gefunden, jedoch hat mir nichts wirklich weiter gebracht... Ich bin auch schon total durcheinander.

Hier meine logs:
2010-08-26 23:37:13.654737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Configuration v1.1.0.0 is starting up on Windows 7 [6.1.7600.0]
2010-08-26 23:37:13.656737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Verifying DirectX 9
2010-08-26 23:37:13.657737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Using Directories:
2010-08-26 23:37:13.658737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Base - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2010-08-26 23:37:13.658737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Log - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Log
2010-08-26 23:37:13.658737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Skin - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin
2010-08-26 23:37:13.658737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Language - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language
2010-08-26 23:37:13.658737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Database - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database
2010-08-26 23:37:13.658737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Plugins - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
2010-08-26 23:37:13.659737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Thumbs - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs
2010-08-26 23:37:13.659737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Cache - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache
2010-08-26 23:37:13.659737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Weather - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Weather
2010-08-26 23:37:13.659737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: CustomInputDevice - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings
2010-08-26 23:37:13.659737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Config - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2010-08-26 23:37:13.660737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: CustomInputDefault - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults
2010-08-26 23:37:13.660737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: BurnerSupport - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
2010-08-26 23:37:13.660737 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Installer - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Installer
2010-08-26 23:37:13.665738 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Assembly creation time: 15.07.2010 07:55:14 (UTC)
2010-08-26 23:37:13.672738 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using high quality thumbnails
2010-08-26 23:37:13.675738 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Create new standard setup
2010-08-26 23:37:13.710740 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SettingsForm constructor
2010-08-26 23:37:13.742742 [Info.][ConfigSplashscreen(3)]: Version: Application
2010-08-26 23:37:15.038816 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture: de  Language: German Prefix: False
2010-08-26 23:37:15.046817 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:     Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
2010-08-26 23:37:15.180824 [Debug][Config Main(1)]:     ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
2010-08-26 23:37:15.181824 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:     Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
2010-08-26 23:37:15.188825 [Debug][Config Main(1)]:     ExtendedChars = False, StringChars = 255
2010-08-26 23:37:15.202826 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add project section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.233827 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add general section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.242828 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add skins section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.363835 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add video section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.386836 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video shares section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.390836 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video database section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.424838 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video player section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.427838 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video zoom section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.431839 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video extensions section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.434839 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video views section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.442839 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add video postprocessing section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.448840 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DVD section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.456840 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add DVD player section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.459840 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add DVD zoom section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.464841 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add DVD postprocessing section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.468841 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add tv section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.474841 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add tv client section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.493842 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add tv zoom section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.497842 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add tv postprocessing section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.498843 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add tv teletext section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.507843 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add music section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.530844 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music shares section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.531844 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music database section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.534845 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: MusicDatabase: Opening database
2010-08-26 23:37:15.535845 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: using sqlite
2010-08-26 23:37:15.536845 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: MusicDatabase: Database opened
2010-08-26 23:37:15.542845 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music import section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.569847 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music extensions section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.570847 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music views section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.571847 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music sort section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.578847 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music dsp section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.615849 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add music asio section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.622850 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add pictures section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.674853 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add DirectInput section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.685853 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: DirectInput: not enabled
2010-08-26 23:37:15.804860 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add Video codec section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.955869 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   - videoCodec =(MPC - MPEG-2 Video Decoder (Gabest))
2010-08-26 23:37:15.956869 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add TV codec section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.965869 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add DVD Discs/Images codec section
2010-08-26 23:37:15.971870 [Info.][Config Main(1)]:   add Renderer section
2010-08-26 23:37:16.020872 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add weather section
2010-08-26 23:37:16.025873 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add plugins section
2010-08-26 23:37:16.039873 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: add third party checks section
2010-08-26 23:37:17.046931 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: settingsform constructor done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.047931 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: SKIN : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3
2010-08-26 23:37:17.047931 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: start application
2010-08-26 23:37:17.056932 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Load settings
2010-08-26 23:37:17.057932 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Project
2010-08-26 23:37:17.058932 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.058932 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - General
2010-08-26 23:37:17.061932 [Info.][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Initialize BASS environment ...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.094934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.094934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Skin
2010-08-26 23:37:17.096934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Skin selected: Blue3wide (screenWidth=1280, screenHeight=1024, screenRatio=1,25)
2010-08-26 23:37:17.096934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.096934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Thumbnails
2010-08-26 23:37:17.097934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.097934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Volume Settings
2010-08-26 23:37:17.099934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: load volume
2010-08-26 23:37:17.102934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.102934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Keyboard shortcuts
2010-08-26 23:37:17.102934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.103934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Keys and Sounds
2010-08-26 23:37:17.103934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.103934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Screensaver
2010-08-26 23:37:17.104934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.104934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - On-Screen Display
2010-08-26 23:37:17.104934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.105934 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Skip steps
2010-08-26 23:37:17.107935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.107935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Startup Delay
2010-08-26 23:37:17.120935 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: Configuration: IsSingleSeat - MPSettings.HostName = Desktop-PC / Environment.MachineName = DESKTOP-PC
2010-08-26 23:37:17.120935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.120935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Watchdog
2010-08-26 23:37:17.121935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.121935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Virtual Drive
2010-08-26 23:37:17.122935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.122935 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - File Menu
2010-08-26 23:37:17.123936 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.123936 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Dynamic Refresh Rate
2010-08-26 23:37:17.138936 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.138936 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Videos
2010-08-26 23:37:17.141937 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.141937 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Folders
2010-08-26 23:37:17.223941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.223941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Database
2010-08-26 23:37:17.223941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.223941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Player
2010-08-26 23:37:17.224941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.224941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Zoom
2010-08-26 23:37:17.225941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.225941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Extensions
2010-08-26 23:37:17.225941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.226941 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Views
2010-08-26 23:37:17.242942 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.242942 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Video Post Processing
2010-08-26 23:37:17.279944 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.279944 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images
2010-08-26 23:37:17.279944 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.280944 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Player
2010-08-26 23:37:17.280944 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.280944 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Zoom
2010-08-26 23:37:17.281945 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.282945 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - DVD Discs/Images Post Processing
2010-08-26 23:37:17.312946 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.312946 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - TV
2010-08-26 23:37:17.312946 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.313946 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - TV Client
2010-08-26 23:37:17.345948 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: Configuration: IsSingleSeat - MPSettings.HostName = Desktop-PC / Environment.MachineName = DESKTOP-PC
2010-08-26 23:37:17.345948 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.345948 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - TV Zoom
2010-08-26 23:37:17.346948 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.346948 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - TV Post Processing
2010-08-26 23:37:17.373950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.374950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - TV Teletext
2010-08-26 23:37:17.374950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.374950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music
2010-08-26 23:37:17.382950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.382950 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Folders
2010-08-26 23:37:17.447954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.447954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Database
2010-08-26 23:37:17.448954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.448954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Import
2010-08-26 23:37:17.452954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.452954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Extensions
2010-08-26 23:37:17.453954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.453954 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Views
2010-08-26 23:37:17.456955 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.456955 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music Sort
2010-08-26 23:37:17.459955 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.459955 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music DSP
2010-08-26 23:37:17.595962 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.596963 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Music ASIO
2010-08-26 23:37:17.597963 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.597963 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Pictures
2010-08-26 23:37:17.600963 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.600963 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Folders
2010-08-26 23:37:17.676967 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.676967 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Database
2010-08-26 23:37:17.676967 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.677967 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Picture Extensions
2010-08-26 23:37:17.677967 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.677967 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Remote
2010-08-26 23:37:17.697968 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: MAP: using default mappings for Medion X10
2010-08-26 23:37:17.702969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: x10Remote:Initialized
2010-08-26 23:37:17.704969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: FireDTV: FiresatApi.dll could not be found on your system!
2010-08-26 23:37:17.704969 [ERROR][Config Main(1)]: FireDTV: FiresatApi.dll could not be found on your system!
2010-08-26 23:37:17.705969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.705969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Direct Input
2010-08-26 23:37:17.709969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.709969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - USBUIRT
2010-08-26 23:37:17.710969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: USBUIRT: Setting configuration control values
2010-08-26 23:37:17.710969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.710969 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - SerialUIR
2010-08-26 23:37:17.806975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.806975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - WINLIRC
2010-08-26 23:37:17.807975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.807975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - RedEye
2010-08-26 23:37:17.809975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.809975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Codecs and Renderer
2010-08-26 23:37:17.809975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.809975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Monogram AAC Decoder
2010-08-26 23:37:17.811975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.811975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - MPC - MPA Decoder
2010-08-26 23:37:17.813975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.813975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - PowerDVD Decoder
2010-08-26 23:37:17.817975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.817975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - MPC - MPEG-2 Decoder
2010-08-26 23:37:17.818975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.819975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Weather
2010-08-26 23:37:17.820975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.821975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Plugins
2010-08-26 23:37:17.821975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.821975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() - Additional 3rd party checks
2010-08-26 23:37:17.822975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.822975 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Load settings done
2010-08-26 23:37:17.833976 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Visualization Window: Loading skin settings...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.835976 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: BASS: Creating visualization...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.837976 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Visualization Manager: Closing current visualization plugin...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.838976 [Info.][Config Main(1)]: Visualization Manager: Visualization plugin close not required - nothing loaded
2010-08-26 23:37:17.838976 [Debug][Config Main(1)]: BASS: Create visualization failed
2010-08-26 23:37:17.842977 [Info.][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Loading audio decoder add-ins...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.844977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basscd.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.845977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassflac.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.847977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bassmidi.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.847977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswma.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.849977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\basswv.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.855977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_aac.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.856977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ac3.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.857977 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_alac.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.859978 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_ape.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.860978 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Added DecoderPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\musicplayer\plugins\audio decoders\bass_mpc.dll
2010-08-26 23:37:17.860978 [Info.][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Loaded 10 Audio Decoders.
2010-08-26 23:37:17.864978 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Loading DSP plugins ...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.864978 [Debug][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Finished loading DSP plugins ...
2010-08-26 23:37:17.888979 [Info.][BassAudio(7)]: BASS: Initializing BASS environment done.

2010-08-26 23:34:19.570780 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Failed vmr9 not connected
2010-08-26 23:34:19.581781 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:GetInterfaces() failed

26-08-2010 23:34:18.650 [574]Found dxva2.dll
26-08-2010 23:34:18.650 [574]Found method DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]Found method MFCreateVideoSampleFromSurface
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]Found method MFCreateVideoMediaType
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]Found method MFCreateMediaType
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]Successfully loaded EVR dlls
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]Successfully loaded DWM dll
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]Successfully loaded Win7RefreshRateHelper.dll
26-08-2010 23:34:18.651 [574]  W7GetRefreshRate() found
26-08-2010 23:34:18.652 [574]----------v1.3.4------------ instance 0xeeb0518
26-08-2010 23:34:18.652 [574]GetDeviceID
26-08-2010 23:34:18.653 [574]GetService
26-08-2010 23:34:18.653 [574]guid: {1092A86C-AB1A-459A-A336-831FBC4D11FF}
26-08-2010 23:34:18.653 [574]riid: {A0CADE0F-06D5-4CF4-A1C7-F3CDD725AA75}
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.704 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]InitServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found mixers: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found clock: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.714 [574]Found event sink: 1
26-08-2010 23:34:18.715 [574]ReleaseServicePointers
26-08-2010 23:34:19.579 [574]EVRDeinit:m_evrPresenter release: 2
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]MPEVRCustomPresenter::Cleanup()
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]EVRCustomPresenter::dtor - instance 0xeeb0518
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]Stopping workers...
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]Threads running : FALSE
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]ReleaseSurfaces()
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]Releasing device
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]ReleaseSurfaces() done
26-08-2010 23:34:19.627 [574]Done

2010-08-26 23:33:51.185156 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: MediaPortal v1.1.0.0 is starting up on Windows 7 [6.1.7600.0]
2010-08-26 23:33:51.187157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Last install from WindowsUpdate is dated 2010-08-23 17:02:29
2010-08-26 23:33:51.188157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Using Directories:
2010-08-26 23:33:51.188157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Base - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2010-08-26 23:33:51.188157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Log - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Log
2010-08-26 23:33:51.188157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Skin - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin
2010-08-26 23:33:51.188157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Language - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Database - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Plugins - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Thumbs - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Cache - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Weather - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Weather
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: CustomInputDevice - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings
2010-08-26 23:33:51.189157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Config - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2010-08-26 23:33:51.190157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: CustomInputDefault - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults
2010-08-26 23:33:51.190157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BurnerSupport - C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
2010-08-26 23:33:51.190157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Installer - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Installer
2010-08-26 23:33:51.190157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Assembly creation time: 15.07.2010 07:55:30 (UTC)
2010-08-26 23:33:51.191157 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Set current directory to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2010-08-26 23:33:51.211158 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture:   Language:  Prefix: False
2010-08-26 23:33:51.239160 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:     Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.276162 [Info.][SplashScreen(3)]: Version: Application
2010-08-26 23:33:51.387168 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:     Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.392168 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: TV service is in status Running - proceeding...
2010-08-26 23:33:51.394168 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Windows Media Player version 12.0.7600.16415 installed
2010-08-26 23:33:51.418170 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Checking for running MediaPortal instance
2010-08-26 23:33:51.418170 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Deleting old log\capture.log
2010-08-26 23:33:51.422170 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Checking skin version
2010-08-26 23:33:51.457172 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load key mapping from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\keymap.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.463172 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Init playlist player
2010-08-26 23:33:51.463172 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Init players
2010-08-26 23:33:51.479173 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using high quality thumbnails
2010-08-26 23:33:51.569178 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: D3D: Starting fullscreen
2010-08-26 23:33:51.570178 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: D3D: Client size: 1280x1024 - Screen: 1280x1024
2010-08-26 23:33:51.575179 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: d3dapp: Graphic adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT' is using driver version ''
2010-08-26 23:33:51.575179 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: d3dapp: Pixel shaders supported: 512 (Version: 3.0), Vertex shaders supported: 32 (Version: 3.0)
2010-08-26 23:33:51.578179 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Creating DirectX9 Ex device
2010-08-26 23:33:51.660184 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
2010-08-26 23:33:51.660184 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load key mapping from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\keymap.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.686185 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Loading localized Strings - Path: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language Culture: de  Language: German Prefix: False
2010-08-26 23:33:51.687185 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:     Loading strings file: strings_de.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.691185 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:     Loading strings file: strings_en.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.728188 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: NO screen calibration file found for resolution 1280x1024!
2010-08-26 23:33:51.729188 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: MP will render at 50 FPS, use animations = True
2010-08-26 23:33:51.747189 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   fonts.SafeDispose()
2010-08-26 23:33:51.749189 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load fonts from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\fonts.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:51.882196 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Loading Blue3wide skin
2010-08-26 23:33:51.884196 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   LoadWindowPlugins()
2010-08-26 23:33:51.887197 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load plugins from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
2010-08-26 23:33:51.890197 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   File Version :
2010-08-26 23:33:51.965201 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Initialize BASS environment ...
2010-08-26 23:33:51.991203 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Window: Loading skin settings...
2010-08-26 23:33:51.993203 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Creating visualization...
2010-08-26 23:33:51.994203 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Manager: Closing current visualization plugin...
2010-08-26 23:33:51.995203 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Manager: Visualization plugin close not required - nothing loaded
2010-08-26 23:33:51.999203 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loading audio decoder add-ins...
2010-08-26 23:33:52.012204 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loaded 10 Audio Decoders.
2010-08-26 23:33:52.154212 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Initializing BASS environment done.
2010-08-26 23:33:52.161212 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Loading references from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\references.xml
2010-08-26 23:33:52.163212 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   original skin size:1280x720
2010-08-26 23:33:52.353223 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDatabase: Opening database
2010-08-26 23:33:52.354223 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: using sqlite
2010-08-26 23:33:52.355223 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDatabase: Database opened
2010-08-26 23:33:52.359224 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Playlist: Loading default playlist default.m3u
2010-08-26 23:33:52.361224 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Playlist: Skipping non-existing Playlist file: C:\Users\Sensation\Documents\My Playlists\default.m3u
2010-08-26 23:33:52.406226 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
2010-08-26 23:33:52.759247 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
2010-08-26 23:33:52.793248 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load plugins from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
2010-08-26 23:33:52.794249 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   File Version :
2010-08-26 23:33:52.810249 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load plugins from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\TvPlugin.dll
2010-08-26 23:33:52.813250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   File Version :
2010-08-26 23:33:52.830251 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: StartImportXML: Initialize
2010-08-26 23:33:52.871253 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvCropManager: Started
2010-08-26 23:33:52.893254 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TVHome:OnAdded
2010-08-26 23:33:52.896254 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Remote control:master server :Desktop-PC
2010-08-26 23:33:52.907255 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: get channels from database
2010-08-26 23:33:52.919256 [Info.][TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread(6)]: TVHome: OnRemotingConnected, recovered from a disconnection
2010-08-26 23:33:53.325279 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found:142 tv channels
2010-08-26 23:33:53.326279 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify:OnNotifiesChanged
2010-08-26 23:33:53.502289 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Done.
2010-08-26 23:33:53.503289 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: get all groups from database
2010-08-26 23:33:53.655298 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: loaded 35 tv groups
2010-08-26 23:33:53.659298 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: ChannelNavigator::LoadSettings()
2010-08-26 23:33:55.446400 [Info.][FilterChecker(5)]: FilterChecker: Found TsReader.ax from 14.05.2010 located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\TsReader.ax
2010-08-26 23:33:56.683471 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TVHome V1.1.0.0:ctor
2010-08-26 23:33:56.683471 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify: start
2010-08-26 23:33:56.687471 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: newsearch ctor
2010-08-26 23:33:56.687471 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: newsearch init
2010-08-26 23:33:56.688471 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: newsearch init result:True
2010-08-26 23:33:56.688471 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: newsearch ctor
2010-08-26 23:33:56.700472 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
2010-08-26 23:33:56.724473 [Info.][FilterChecker(5)]: FilterChecker: Found quartz.dll from 19.12.2009 located at C:\Windows\SysWOW64\quartz.dll
2010-08-26 23:33:56.725473 [Info.][FilterChecker(5)]: FilterChecker: Version of installed quartz.dll: 6.6.7600.16385
2010-08-26 23:33:56.732474 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Loading windowmanager
2010-08-26 23:33:56.732474 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Resizing windowmanager
2010-08-26 23:33:56.732474 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: NO screen calibration file found for resolution 1280x1024!
2010-08-26 23:33:56.732474 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GraphicContext: MP will render at 50 FPS, use animations = True
2010-08-26 23:33:56.903484 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3wide\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
2010-08-26 23:33:56.904484 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1999
2010-08-26 23:33:56.905484 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Initializing windowmanager
2010-08-26 23:33:57.065493 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3wide\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
2010-08-26 23:33:57.065493 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1998
2010-08-26 23:33:57.067493 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
2010-08-26 23:33:57.083494 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Activating windowmanager
2010-08-26 23:33:57.275505 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3wide\packedgfx22.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
2010-08-26 23:33:57.276505 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1997
2010-08-26 23:33:57.289506 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Initialized skin
2010-08-26 23:33:57.289506 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: DX9 size: 1280x1024
2010-08-26 23:33:57.290506 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Video memory left: 2031 MB
2010-08-26 23:33:57.318507 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectInput: not enabled
2010-08-26 23:33:57.333508 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MAP: using default mappings for Medion X10
2010-08-26 23:33:57.343509 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Running
2010-08-26 23:33:57.347509 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Starting up
2010-08-26 23:33:57.347509 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   PlugInManager.Load()
2010-08-26 23:33:57.349509 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   Load plugins from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
2010-08-26 23:33:57.353509 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   File Version :
2010-08-26 23:33:57.362510 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   PlugInManager.Start()
2010-08-26 23:33:57.384511 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: opening video database
2010-08-26 23:33:57.392512 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: video database opened
2010-08-26 23:34:07.446087 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: Loaded C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache\Blue3wide\packedgfx23.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
2010-08-26 23:34:07.446087 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:1996
2010-08-26 23:34:07.454087 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: ChannelNavigator::Reload()
2010-08-26 23:34:07.455087 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: get channels from database
2010-08-26 23:34:07.636097 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found:142 tv channels
2010-08-26 23:34:07.637097 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify:OnNotifiesChanged
2010-08-26 23:34:07.808107 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Done.
2010-08-26 23:34:07.808107 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: get all groups from database
2010-08-26 23:34:07.950115 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: loaded 35 tv groups
2010-08-26 23:34:07.951115 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: tv home init:SAT.1
2010-08-26 23:34:07.951115 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: tv home init:SAT.1 done
2010-08-26 23:34:11.494318 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TVHome.ViewChannelAndCheck(): View channel=Das Erste
2010-08-26 23:34:13.481432 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: succeeded:Succeeded TvControl.VirtualCard
2010-08-26 23:34:13.484432 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: tvhome:startplay
2010-08-26 23:34:13.487432 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: tvhome:file:C:\re\live3-0.ts.tsbuffer
2010-08-26 23:34:13.493432 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: tvhome:startplay.  Phase 1 - 10 ms - Done method initialization
2010-08-26 23:34:13.497433 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: tvhome:startplay:C:\re\live3-0.ts.tsbuffer - using rtsp mode:False
2010-08-26 23:34:13.517434 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' disabled
2010-08-26 23:34:13.517434 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play(C:\re\live3-0.ts.tsbuffer TV)
2010-08-26 23:34:13.532435 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer play:C:\re\live3-0.ts.tsbuffer radio:False
2010-08-26 23:34:13.534435 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: live tv
2010-08-26 23:34:13.534435 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
2010-08-26 23:34:13.535435 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:play C:\re\live3-0.ts.tsbuffer
2010-08-26 23:34:13.541435 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: GetInterfaces()
2010-08-26 23:34:13.554436 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device 
2010-08-26 23:34:13.627440 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
2010-08-26 23:34:13.637441 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Add TsReader to graph
2010-08-26 23:34:13.637441 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Open file: C:\re\live3-0.ts.tsbuffer
2010-08-26 23:34:13.641441 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:OnRequestAudioChange()
2010-08-26 23:34:13.649441 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded
2010-08-26 23:34:13.650441 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Audio stream: switching to preferred MPEG audio stream 0, NOT based on LANG
2010-08-26 23:34:13.651441 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TsReaderPlayer: AudioDualMonoMode switching not available. Audioswitcher filter not loaded
2010-08-26 23:34:18.633726 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Add codecs
2010-08-26 23:34:18.641727 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph
2010-08-26 23:34:18.690730 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: ffdshow Video Decoder to graph
2010-08-26 23:34:18.694730 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: ffdshow Audio Decoder to graph
2010-08-26 23:34:18.694730 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Render TsReader outputs
2010-08-26 23:34:19.569780 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Pin: 0 not connected: 80040209
2010-08-26 23:34:19.569780 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Pin: 1 not connected: 80040209
2010-08-26 23:34:19.569780 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Pin: 2 not connected: 80040209
2010-08-26 23:34:19.570780 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Failed vmr9 not connected
2010-08-26 23:34:19.572780 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: cleanup DShow graph False
2010-08-26 23:34:19.581781 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
2010-08-26 23:34:19.581781 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:GetInterfaces() failed
2010-08-26 23:34:19.581781 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TSReaderPlayer: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
2010-08-26 23:34:19.581781 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player: ended
2010-08-26 23:34:19.582781 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: tvhome:startplay.  Phase 2 - 6093 ms - Done starting g_Player.Play()
2010-08-26 23:34:41.426030 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
2010-08-26 23:34:41.432030 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Blue3wide\topbar.xml image id:1 width:0 height:0 gfx:empty.png
2010-08-26 23:34:43.122127 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Exit requested
2010-08-26 23:34:43.195131 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Stopping FrameMove
2010-08-26 23:34:43.206132 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1999
2010-08-26 23:34:43.258135 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1998
2010-08-26 23:34:43.261135 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1997
2010-08-26 23:34:43.266135 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker: disposing texture:1996
2010-08-26 23:34:43.960175 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify: stop
2010-08-26 23:34:43.971176 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Main: Exiting
2010-08-26 23:34:43.974176 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   PlugInManager.Stop()
2010-08-26 23:34:43.974176 [Info.][MPMain(1)]:   fonts.SafeDispose()
2010-08-26 23:34:43.974176 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TexturePacker:Dispose()
2010-08-26 23:34:43.988177 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: VideoDatabaseV5.db3
2010-08-26 23:34:43.989177 [Info.][(2)]: TvCropManager: Stopped
2010-08-26 23:34:43.992177 [Info.][(2)]: Playlist: Saving default playlist default.m3u
2010-08-26 23:34:43.993177 [Info.][(2)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database: MusicDatabaseV11.db3

26-08-2010 23:34:13.635 [574]-------------- v1.4.4 ----------------
26-08-2010 23:34:13.635 [574]CTsReaderFilter::ctor
26-08-2010 23:34:13.635 [574]CRTSPClient::Initialize()
26-08-2010 23:34:13.636 [574]CRTSPClient::createClient()
26-08-2010 23:34:13.636 [574]Slow motion video allowed during zapping
26-08-2010 23:34:13.636 [574]Wait for seeking to eof - false - constructor
26-08-2010 23:34:13.636 [574]SetRelaxedMode
26-08-2010 23:34:13.636 [574]Normal discontinuities filtering
26-08-2010 23:34:13.637 [574]CALLBACK SET
26-08-2010 23:34:13.637 [574]SetRequestAudioChangeCallback SET
26-08-2010 23:34:13.637 [574]CTsReaderFilter::Load()
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]FileReader::CloseFile() no open file
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]OnNewChannel pat version:-1->1
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:flushing
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:set hold audio:1
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:set hold video:1
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:set hold subtitle:1
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:flush audio
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:flush video
26-08-2010 23:34:13.638 [574]demux:flush subtitle
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574]demux:set hold audio:0
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574]demux:set hold video:0
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574]demux:set hold subtitle:0
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574]New channel found (PAT/PMT/SDT changed)
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574] pcr      pid:   30 
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574] pmt      pid:   20 
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574] video    pid:   30 type: MPEG2
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574] audio    pid:   40 language: deu type: MPEG1 - audio
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574] audio    pid:   41 language: 2ch type: MPEG1 - audio
26-08-2010 23:34:13.639 [574] audio    pid:   42 language: deu type: AC3
26-08-2010 23:34:13.640 [574]Setting initial audio index to : 0
26-08-2010 23:34:13.640 [574]OnRequestAudioChange()
26-08-2010 23:34:13.640 [574]demux:Wait for Audio stream selection :1
26-08-2010 23:34:13.651 [574]SetAudioStream : 0
26-08-2010 23:34:13.651 [574]Old Audio -1, New Audio 3
26-08-2010 23:34:13.651 [574]demux:Wait for Audio stream selection :0
26-08-2010 23:34:13.651 [574]New Audio 3
26-08-2010 23:34:13.652 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.662 [574]Video Continuity error... b ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.670 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.674 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.677 [574]Video Continuity error... b ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.678 [574]Video Continuity error... c ( prev 2 )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.699 [574]Video Continuity error... 4 ( prev 1 )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.821 [574]Video Continuity error... 4 ( prev 5 )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.871 [574]Video Continuity error... 2 ( prev 6 )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.932 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:13.982 [574]Video Continuity error... e ( prev 6 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.032 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.093 [574]Video Continuity error... 5 ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.154 [574]Video Continuity error... d ( prev 7 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.204 [574]Video Continuity error... 3 ( prev 3 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.254 [574]Video Continuity error... b ( prev 9 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.324 [574]Video Continuity error... 2 ( prev 5 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.364 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev f )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.424 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev b )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.474 [574]Video Continuity error... 9 ( prev 5 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.535 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.585 [574]Video Continuity error... 8 ( prev b )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.655 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.695 [574]Video Continuity error... 7 ( prev f )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.755 [574]Video Continuity error... e ( prev a )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.806 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.866 [574]Video Continuity error... e ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.916 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev a )
26-08-2010 23:34:14.976 [574]Video Continuity error... c ( prev 3 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.037 [574]Video Continuity error... 5 ( prev f )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.097 [574]Video Continuity error... d ( prev 7 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.147 [574]Video Continuity error... 4 ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.198 [574]Video Continuity error... c ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.258 [574]Video Continuity error... 4 ( prev 9 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.319 [574]Video Continuity error... c ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.369 [574]Video Continuity error... 3 ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.429 [574]Video Continuity error... b ( prev 9 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.479 [574]Video Continuity error... 2 ( prev 3 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.529 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.589 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.650 [574]Video Continuity error... 9 ( prev 3 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.710 [574]Video Continuity error... 2 ( prev e )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.821 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev 2 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.871 [574]Video Continuity error... 8 ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.932 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:15.982 [574]Video Continuity error... 7 ( prev 1 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.032 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.092 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev 7 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.142 [574]Video Continuity error... 8 ( prev f )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.202 [574]Video Continuity error... e ( prev b )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.252 [574]Video Continuity error... 7 ( prev 5 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.312 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.362 [574]Video Continuity error... 7 ( prev b )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.422 [574]Video Continuity error... e ( prev 5 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.472 [574]Video Continuity error... 7 ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.533 [574]Video Continuity error... e ( prev a )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.593 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.643 [574]Video Continuity error... d ( prev 5 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.693 [574]Video Continuity error... 9 ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.754 [574]Video Continuity error... b ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.804 [574]Video Continuity error... d ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.874 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev a )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.925 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:16.985 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev 7 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.036 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev 9 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.096 [574]Video Continuity error... 9 ( prev a )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.146 [574]Video Continuity error... 8 ( prev a )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.216 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev f )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.256 [574]Video Continuity error... 9 ( prev 1 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.317 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.367 [574]Video Continuity error... d ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.479 [574]Video Continuity error... 5 ( prev 7 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.529 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 6 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.599 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev 1 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.649 [574]Video Continuity error... 0 ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.699 [574]Video Continuity error... 5 ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.749 [574]Video Continuity error... c ( prev d )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.810 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev b )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.860 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 6 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.921 [574]Video Continuity error... a ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:17.982 [574]Video Continuity error... b ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.032 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev 8 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.092 [574]Video Continuity error... 7 ( prev 0 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.142 [574]Video Continuity error... 2 ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.212 [574]Video Continuity error... d ( prev 9 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.252 [574]Video Continuity error... c ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.312 [574]Video Continuity error... 6 ( prev b )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.362 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 7 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.423 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev c )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.473 [574]Video Continuity error... 9 ( prev 9 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.543 [574]Video Continuity error... f ( prev 2 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.583 [574]Video Continuity error... 1 ( prev 4 )
26-08-2010 23:34:18.633 [574]FileReader::CloseFile() no open file
26-08-2010 23:34:18.633 [574]start:0 end:761b1 5.375000
26-08-2010 23:34:18.696 [574]aud:CompleteConnect()
26-08-2010 23:34:18.697 [574]aud:CompleteConnect() done
26-08-2010 23:34:19.572 [574]filt:IID_IMediaSeeking()
26-08-2010 23:34:19.628 [574]CTsReaderFilter::dtor
26-08-2010 23:34:19.628 [574]pin:dtor()
26-08-2010 23:34:19.628 [574]sub pin:dtor()
26-08-2010 23:34:19.628 [574]FileReader::CloseFile() no open file
26-08-2010 23:34:19.628 [574]FileReader::CloseFile() no open file
26-08-2010 23:34:19.628 [574]CMemoryBuffer::dtor
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]memorybuffer: Clear() 0
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]memorybuffer: Clear() done
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]CRTSPClient::~CRTSPClient()
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:flushing
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:set hold audio:1
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:set hold video:1
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:set hold subtitle:1
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:flush audio
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:flush video
26-08-2010 23:34:19.629 [574]demux:flush subtitle
26-08-2010 23:34:19.630 [574]demux:set hold audio:0
26-08-2010 23:34:19.630 [574]demux:set hold video:0
26-08-2010 23:34:19.630 [574]demux:set hold subtitle:0

Würde mich echt freuen, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!

LG Tommy


Portal Pro
November 21, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: Abspielen nicht möglich: live.3-0.ts.tsbuffer

Hi. habe das gleiche Problem.

sitze schon den ganzen Tag vor meinem PC. nach upgrade auf MP 1.1.0 nur noch Abspielen nicht möglich... habe schon versuch den Port zu wechseln. ohne Erfolg. habs mit den Debugoptions versucht. ohne erfolg....

wär schön wenn jemand helfen könnte...


Luca Brasi

MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 14, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Abspielen nicht möglich: live.3-0.ts.tsbuffer

    Habe das Problem auch seit kurzem. Tritt nur manchmal auf, manchmal reicht es einfach ein paar Sekunden zu warten. Dann wiederum muss ich manchmal neu starten.
    Nach dem Update auf 1.1.0 war alles für einige Wochen ohne Probleme gelaufen. Einzige Änderung die ich in letzter Zeit gemacht habe, war dass ich die neueste Version von 4therecord installiert habe.

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