Adding a second tuner (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 5, 2006
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Hi everybody

Just seeking a little advice

With a birthday coming up and the release of 0.2 ive decided to ditch my unsupported analog tuner and want a second dvb-t tuner.

The dvb tuner I allready have is a dvico fusion card.

I beleive I get suprisingly decent results with the setup I have with a 2400+ 512, raid striped, mx440, svhs, HD crt television, set up running vrm9 and XP pro. HD is as expected ordinary though.

Investing in a new card im concerned about-

Driver conflicts

with an old test version i could record on the digital and watch the analog. The analog was ugly as f but was smooth except for the tearing issue. I wish to get smooth dv both recording and watching at the same time, should i go for a similar Dvico card or get one of the snazzier cards.

would appreciate any help or if this has been covered on another thread a link? I did search but nothing solved.

thanks heaps, 0.2 is awesome.


Portal Pro
March 10, 2006
Cambridge, UK
I got a Twinhan VisionDTV DVB-T and its brilliant. I've had no problems with it at all. I would steer clear of hauppauge tuners if I were you. I'm sure other people like them, but personally I've had nothing but problems with them.

Can't say much about driver confilicts on your system, but it runs ok side-by-side with my floppyDTV DVB-S.

Just a point on the tearing issue, have you got "use directX exclusive mode in fullscreen" enabled?


Retired Team Member
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  • December 7, 2004
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    I've had no problems with it at all. I would steer clear of hauppauge tuners if I were you.

    Quite the opposite for me, got 3 of them running side by side no problems. While the supplied software is crap, their drivers have always been A+.


    Portal Pro
    March 10, 2006
    Cambridge, UK
    I know lots of people get on with them very well, but I've just had a nightmare with them. I think it was probably a conflict with something else in my system, but I have a Nova-T that just blued screened the box randomly. Took me ages to work out the problem.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
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    Which Nova-T was that? It was probably the TechnoTrend model which was just a rebrand, the support for those had nothing to do with Hauppauge.


    Portal Member
    July 5, 2006
    Sunshine Coast, Australia
    thanks for reply

    yeah I have the dx9 ex mode on. I think the problem lies somewhere within my system specs old geforce and s video , it only likes 60 hertz and the old test version 2rc with cvs that came out not long after that supported an ancient compro software card. just think it will be best to ditch it

    I see from some threads their is a bit of working around to get 2 dvb-t tuners up with xp, but I think i'll get past that. Just I'm married haha and my wife isn't keen on the time that this can consume specailly if I'm spending a couple of hundred bucks on it and the picture turns out jerky.

    thanks again

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