Though I can configure how many minutes before and after a show Mediaportal should start and end recording, sometimes this doesn't fit.
For 85 % of my recorded shows it's okay, but sometimes it's not.
For instance live sport events, that take longer 'cause of overtime.
Though i configured 10 minutes to stop recording after show ends, there are some channels that have a delay of more than 10 minutes.
Therefor it would be cool if it would be possible to change start and end time of a scheduled recording manually.
For 85 % of my recorded shows it's okay, but sometimes it's not.
For instance live sport events, that take longer 'cause of overtime.
Though i configured 10 minutes to stop recording after show ends, there are some channels that have a delay of more than 10 minutes.
Therefor it would be cool if it would be possible to change start and end time of a scheduled recording manually.