I'm in the middle of the merge now. I hope to have the trunk building error free today. Real work sometimes gets in the way ;-) Hopefully it will be all worth it!
Thanks for your continued patience! I have made all *initial* commits to the trunk. I have built the trunk locally but have not run anything yet. I'm pretty sure the default skin (blue3...) will not function correctly until I make skin updates (particularly wrt: keyboard, coverflow, and perhaps tvguide).
Thinks that have a high probability of not working right now include: tvguide, keyboard, coverflow (even if blue3 is updated).
I have been updating the trunk with changes to get things working.
One note: I have updated the strings_en.xml file; other languages will need to be updated by others who know those languages ;-)
I am able to display cover flow in videos pretty well with Blue3Wide (no Blue3 updates yet). It has some problems but is basically working. Haven't tested much else yet. Speak up!
I am continuing to test and have made a few additional changes. I have not yet documented the cover flow control but you can checkout the B3W implementation for videos as somewhat of a guide (pictures and music are not well implemented in B3W at this point). Something that may be of interest to skinners is that you can place controls in a subitems entry of the coverflow control (see B3W videos). These controls are rendered on the back of the card - to access the back of the card simplly invoke the info action (keyboard F3) and watch the card spin around to reveal the subitems controls (I used this to implement movie info for the selected movie). Try it out and see what you think.