All Game Database & Update Database button "quirk&q (1 Viewer)



Just thought I would share this experience with those who are interested. While updating my rather large database of games(over 700) in the "My Programs" plugin, I decided to delete a ROM in my ROMS directory. I then opened the plugins page and instead of deleting the ROM from the database, I chose update database. Sure, this sounds fine, but it actually lost all of my ROM information data I had stored- like publisher and year created as well as descriptions. When I started mediaportal, the pictures were there, but all game data and descriptions were gone. This is a major pain to redo all of the data. Hopefully someone can benefit from this post. Just remember to remove the rom and remove the database entry manually if you decide to remove a game! I suggest never use the "Update Database" button unless you are creating a new one.


Portal Pro
August 16, 2004
Fribourg (CH)
Re: All Game Database & Update Database button "qui

sorry to hear that my plugin swept away your hard work :(

Yes, the "Update Database" does a complete re-scan of the available roms and rebuilds the database completely. Before that - sadly in your case - all rom entries are erased.

The solution in your case would have been to select the rom and click the DELETE button.

Things I will consider to improve:
1) improve button texts, improve warning text (any suggestions?)
2) do a less aggressive "update database" procedure which conserves the downloaded data.
3) maybe optional: automatically backup the Programdatabase file before deleting many entries.

I need suggestions for 1), I think 2) should be easy to do and I don't really like 3) cause it screams for more follow-up options ("waeberd: please lemme merge data from my last five backup files...."). :)

Tell me what you think!



Well, I love the plugin, dont take this the wrong way. I just wanted to put it in the forum to warn people about a potential loss of data for their games. I dont really think you should put too much time into this. After all, I am the only known person to have the problem. It would be nice to be able to back up the database though. For example, I plan to help build another mediaportal PC for a friend. Is it already possible to export/import the database to a different PC with all of the same ROM files and use it?

As for your reply:
1)Button text and layouts are fine. Maybe a warning text for ROM data in the database will be cleared. 2)Less agressive update would be excellent- though I think I will still use the delete and add buttons from now on- "once bitten twice shy" :) . 3)As for backing up the database- that was covered in my text above.


Portal Pro
August 16, 2004
Fribourg (CH)

no problem at all with your post, I'm trying to find ways to improve the plugin.

Is it already possible to export/import the database to a different PC with all of the same ROM files and use it?

... well, almost! :)
You can copy the ProgramDatabaseV3.db3 file to the new machine.
The problem is that there are absolute paths stored in it (yes, in every ROM-file), so if you use different drives / paths, myPrograms won't find stuff.

Using relative paths / minimising the usage of absolute paths is another one on my ToDo list (not very high prio until now...).




Portal Member
December 19, 2005
Home Country
Greece Greece
Re: All Game Database & Update Database button "qui

waeberd said:
Things I will consider to improve:
1) improve button texts, improve warning text (any suggestions?)
2) do a less aggressive "update database" procedure which conserves the downloaded data.
3) maybe optional: automatically backup the Programdatabase file before deleting many entries.

Any updates on issue no: 2?

Can you make the "Internet Search" function launchable from within MediaPortal like IMDB?

Is the source of the plugin available? Can I have it?


Portal Member
October 4, 2005
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hi- Daniel

I love the way your internet search works......

* - Auto select the games you have not downloaded images / overview
* - Select Best Match
* - Min. Relevance
* - Select what you want to download


Is there any chance you make the same kind of interface for the Movie database?????

It would be a big help for a lot of us!!

To make it even better there should be an export and import option, where the info would be stored in the same folder as the movie is.

All the best Flop

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