[Alpha] - New MP-Torrent plugin (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 29, 2010
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Sweden Sweden
Fantastic!!! AND IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM!!! With this plugin my HTPC went from being good to being AWESOME!!! Keep up the good work... Words cant express how greatful i am :)


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  • November 30, 2005
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    England England
    First of all - Thanks for contributing to the community:)

    But have to stick with Edalex & Throgwar on this - Why have a whole new development on torrent plugin........as they mention, development ressources could be used in a better way, if side-projects didn't pop up every now and then. If development ressources was consolidated into only one project, maybe the development would last longer.

    I see several issues with this project:
    -Is it okay for the old developers to "hijack" part of their code/work?
    -Mytorrents was well-developed, well bugfixed & tested and supported by quite a large community - 38 thread pages!
    -Mytorrent had more features (Watchlist+Skins+documentation on how to add more search engines)

    Seems like you are inventing the wheel again:-S

    This projects has come off to a nice start(Congratulations:), but again it could even end up splitting MePo torrent users into two groups.

    Seems like Mytorrents owner Sohvaperuna has discontinued development - In october 2010 he wrote:
    Hi! - Anyone willing to continue developing this plugin? I am too busy with my life so I cannot do it at the moment

    I do understand that you you are new to C#, and taking over an old project could be difficult - but I really hope, that these to projects can merge into 1!

    How to do this, is up to you & Sohvaperuna - as an end user, I can't decide which leg i'm gonna stand on...........Maybe the old project should marked as obsolete and thread closed?!?

    Therefore I choose to use neither at the moment, although I really want to support and contribute with further development(although I cannot code C#).

    I hope to see a final decision in the future, which project will keep alive, best-featured, bugfixed, community supported and at least well documented through ex. Google code:)



    Portal Pro
    October 14, 2009
    Home Country
    Brazil Brazil
    Hi, all!

    Sorry for taking so long to reply.
    I just got back from a travel job.

    I'll get back to the code and make it 1.2 compatible.
    Expect a new alpha version soon!

    I totally get your point.
    I'll see the torrent search support code from the previous plugin and study how to use it.
    But it will take a little longer... :sorry:




    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands

    are you still developing to a version that is compatible with Mediaportal 1.2.0 beta? I hope so! All the other plugins that do the samed as this doen't work, and are very complicated.. I hope that this plugin is al litle bit easier to configure and use..


    Portal Pro
    October 14, 2009
    Home Country
    Brazil Brazil
    I'm still working on it.
    Sadly, the real life job got in the way again!

    But I'll get on vacation in the next week... so, hopefully, the 1.2 compatible version SHOULD be released sometime in the next week...


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I'm still working on it.
    Sadly, the real life job got in the way again!

    But I'll get on vacation in the next week... so, hopefully, the 1.2 compatible version SHOULD be released sometime in the next week...

    Allright, really awesome.. Thanks!

    Can't wait to test it..

    Is streamedMP skin also supported?



    Portal Pro
    November 16, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Is this plugin dead? Been waiting for the release for some time now. Hope it is not and looking forward to a new release.


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