Always Stereo on 5.1 (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 9, 2006
Home Country
Austria Austria
Hello, i always get the Tv Audio Signal Mixed up to 5.1.

Rear Left and Rear Right have the same output as Front Left and Front Right.

Dynamic Range control at all tabs in the Direct Show Filter settings are turned off also the "Downmix to stereo" checkbox isn't checked.

Is that setup wrong. I will hear stereo from the when I get Stereo from the audio signal an i will hear 5.1 when I get 5.1 from the audio signal.

Do someone have this behavior too? Do i have to choose other settings?

Thx for any help


New Member
February 9, 2006
Home Country
Austria Austria
I found a setting on the Real Tek Mixer where i can disable "Stereo surround". Now I have Stereo when I get Stereo I have to Test Surround

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