"Ambilight clone" with teensy2.0 and WS2801 (1 Viewer)



hi everyone, hi @azzuro,

i hope i'm in the right place this time.

i did the exact procedure written on @azzuro tutorial but no luck with atmowin.... i got no problem while compiling and flashing the teensy, when i launch atmowin with atmoduino and com8 and 25 led i get "connected succesfully" but there is nothing else. what ever i try to do my leds stay white. static color do not change the color of my led and live do not too.
i should mention that i've tried prismatik (formerly lightpack) and i got the yellow shinning sun but my leds are still white, no color changing.
other weird thing is when i plug in my led with the ac/dc adaptater, they're all shinning white. when i unplug the ac/dc adaptater, they are all shining orange.

what went wrong ? could you help me ? please !!!

thanks in advance for any answer and my apologies for my poor english.


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    hello c3r3b3llum
    First can you say me,
    - the files used for flash ?
    - what is your board : Teensy2 / 2+ / 3
    - Arduino software used ? ( but if flash is OK, ne needed)


    i've followed your tutorial here : https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...-with-teensy-2-board-led-strip-ws2801.116128/

    the files used for flash were found here : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0dhu57q7jy7lr92/cvfJyexhhy
    i'm using AtmoDuino4Teensy_v3.ino i've just modify the number of led (25) and this one FastSPI_LEd_4_Teensy_2.zip

    My board is a teensy 2.0 and my led are ws2801 led; i've bought them here : http://www.mediahd.fr/36-accessoires-ambitv

    i've followed the procedure exactly. my flash on arduino IDE is ok, after flashing i push the button on teensy for reboot as written.

    the probleme starts here. when it restarts my led do not “fade-in / fade-out” nothing happen.

    my ac/dc adaptateur (5v 12a) is connected to my led strip. when i connect it all the led turn white even if the teensy is not connected. i don't know if it is normal. when i plug the teensy with my adaptateur connected, they stay white.
    if i unplug the adaptateur they all turn orange.
    i'm using 3 pin on teensy :
    Data PIN : B2
    Clock PIN : B1
    Ground : Common GND
    (+5V) directly on LED

    do you think i've copnnected something in the wrong way ?? i've triple check all seems ok....


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    Et merde tu es Francais .......................
    so, we can continu in French Thread, and when all is OK, we update this thead ...
    it's ok for you ? / open the same thread but in french section ;)

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