AMBX with mediaportal is awesome (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 5, 2008
Anyone use AMBX? Well, it's kinda awesome with Mediaportal.
I got mine yesterday and it works like a charm:

YouTube - Philips AMBX with media

I use it on my mediacenter laptop with Mediaportal 1.0 on my 37" LG 5000 FullHD TV. Just need to get the backlight a little higher (put it on a box or something) because my TV is kinda big.


New Member
January 17, 2009
Hey thanks for this, I just saw the alert and realised I havent tried my amBX kit with Mediaportal yet (or mediaportal at all for that matter). Given that I have created a blog which includes videos of my amBX kit with iTunes, Winamp, WMP etc I think it was time I did one for MediaPortal as well so thanks for letting me know it works.

Really nice video btw, just wish I had a screen that big! If you wanted to see amBX in action with anything else feel free to have a look at my blog, there may be something of interest on there.

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