aMPdroid on Windows!! (via BlueStacks alpha) (1 Viewer)


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  • December 1, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I've just been trying out a new program on my netbook, that's at an alpha stage. (well I would say beta since it's external testing, but who cares) It's called BlueStacks has been created to allow you to load Android apps on a windows machine.

    Well, I've just tried aMPdroid, and guess what?... It works! It even keeps the settings too, after you exit and relaunch it.

    I'm just uploading a video taken from my phone, just to prove it. It works nicely as you can successfully change aMPdroid to landscape mode, I show it working in portrait near the end too. Apologies for rubbish camera work, this is due to holding my S2 one handed and trying to fend off the cat at the same time :p

    To try BlueStacks yourself you need to get the program from ... Bluestacks :: App Player for Windows :: Run apps fast on your PC or tablet
    It's actually a desktop widget so you may need Windows 7.
    You will also need an Android phone with aMPdroid already installed, and also an app called BlueStacks Cloud Connect which you can get from the market ...
    With the android app installed, just open it and select aMPdroid and press sync. This will then make aMPdroid available in windows!

    Vid: aMPdroid on BlueStacks - YouTube

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