My objective is to create a virtual keyboard that allow entering texts in
a more quickly possible (with some habit and a good configuration).
I write a proto-type in macromedia flash, based on an idea
from the "beyond good & evil" game
You can write a sentence only with left/right/enter keys.
I write three presets for the disposition of the buttons,
but you can search "Presets Here" in the actionscript source
(if you have Flash MX2004)
to write new formulas of disposition.
By changing the keys list, is possible to create
presets based of a specific sets of unicode chars, to improve globalization,
or limits the allowed chars, for example an IP address.
Many features is missing
(dictionary & intellisense, caret movement, multiple unicode keys-list also to
improve globalization,
shortcut for switch the keyslists, zOrder is wrong), but if people like it, i
start the MP conversion.
Can be a process-plugin that send the windows message to the active window,
or a GuiText control like the GUISMSInputControl or
the Smirnoff version (thanks again smirnoff!)? what is the best solution?
the second solution need an integration in the core, can be approved by Frodo?
(i don't know very well how CVS rules works...)
I'm waiting for feedback!
a more quickly possible (with some habit and a good configuration).
I write a proto-type in macromedia flash, based on an idea
from the "beyond good & evil" game
You can write a sentence only with left/right/enter keys.
I write three presets for the disposition of the buttons,
but you can search "Presets Here" in the actionscript source
(if you have Flash MX2004)
to write new formulas of disposition.
By changing the keys list, is possible to create
presets based of a specific sets of unicode chars, to improve globalization,
or limits the allowed chars, for example an IP address.
Many features is missing
(dictionary & intellisense, caret movement, multiple unicode keys-list also to
improve globalization,
shortcut for switch the keyslists, zOrder is wrong), but if people like it, i
start the MP conversion.
Can be a process-plugin that send the windows message to the active window,
or a GuiText control like the GUISMSInputControl or
the Smirnoff version (thanks again smirnoff!)? what is the best solution?
the second solution need an integration in the core, can be approved by Frodo?
(i don't know very well how CVS rules works...)
I'm waiting for feedback!