Analog BTV card not supported (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 16, 2011
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Hi guys

I borrowed a PCI Hybrid tuner off a mate to test with MediaPortal, which seems to be pretty good software, however, I get the following message after attempting to scan for analog channels:

Unable to scan
The graph building. Mostly your card is not supported by TvServer. Please create a report in our forum
As requested, I am creating a report in your forums.

AMD x6 1090T
Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5 motherboard
Radeon 5870
Win 7 x64 Pro N
600GB 10K Raptor SATA3 boot drive
2x1TB SATA3 caviar black drives (RAID0) data array
AsusTek Hybrid PCI capture card (reported as "Analog 713x BDA Analog TV Tuner")
Latest official MediaPortal (downloaded and installed yesterday)

History of issue:
After successfully scanning digital channels, I tried to scan analog channels. I got an error telling me that I did not have a supported decoder installed. The Ace Mega Codec pack didn't help, so following advice I fouind on these forums, I installed the WinDVR3 trial. I now get the error quoted above.

The analog channels work for video in WinDVR, but there's no sound.

Let me know whether you require any further information.


Edit: the Analog TV picture AND sound work in Windows Media Centre.

Edit 2: the card is most likely the Asus My Cinema-P7131 Hybrid SE


Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi there

    If your card requires a cable connection from the tuner to the soundcard for audio then the tuner is not supported. If it doesn't require such a cable then please follow the instructions in my signature to post TV Server logs...


    Portal Member
    January 16, 2011
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    Hopefully, these are the logs required. The card doesn't need an audio cable for audio to work in Win Media Centre.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi again

    It looks like you've set the card up correctly as a hybrid card (which is good). I see some old "missing software encoder" encoder messages, so I would try to install WinDVR 3 or the ATI AVIVO encoder package first. If it still doesn't work then please post again with new logs (your newest logs didn't actually show the error)...


    Portal Member
    January 16, 2011
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    As noted above, installing the WinDVR3 software is what I did to progress to the above error. I have now installed AVIVO, but the same error appears when trying to scan for analog channels. New logs attached.



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi again

    Thank you for the new logs, and sorry for my delayed response...
    The issue is clearly with the video encoder:

    2011-01-17 19:58:07.875491 [(6)]: analog: AddAudioCompressor found:10 compressor
    2011-01-17 19:58:07.875491 [(6)]: analog:  try compressor:InterVideo Audio Encoder
    2011-01-17 19:58:07.921494 [(6)]: analog: connect audio pin->audio compressor
    2011-01-17 19:58:07.922494 [(6)]: analog: connected audio pin->audio compressor
    2011-01-17 19:58:07.924494 [(6)]: analog: AddVideoCompressor
    2011-01-17 19:58:09.023557 [(6)]: analog:Dispose()

    Adding the audio encoder works fine, but adding the video encoder fails. If you were using MP 1.2.0a I'd say to increase the priority of the ATI AVIVO encoders, but since you're using 1.1.2 (which doesn't have the encoder priority feature) try uninstalling WinDVR and leaving the ATI AVIVO encoders installed.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Latest logs show that the Intervideo audio compressor/encoder is still being used. I would have thought that uninstalling WinDVR should have taken care of that. Did you restart TV Server/your computer after the uninstall?


    Portal Member
    January 16, 2011
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    I tried without rebooting, and the same message came up, so I rebooted, which didn't help.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    So is TV Server still trying to use the Intervideo codecs? You may have to unregister them manually. To do that, search for and Once you have located them, open a command prompt window (command line) and do the following:

    1. Use the 'cd' command to 'change directory' to the location where the encoder files are. For example, if they are in C:\Program Files\Common\Intervideo then you want to enter cd "C:\Program Files\Common\Intervideo".
    2. Enter the following command: regsvr32 /u
    3. Enter the following command: regsvr32 /u

    Note that the names of the files are case-sensitive in the commands in step 2 and 3. After that, restart TV Server and see if that has made a difference. All being well, the AVIVO encoders should be used instead of the Intervideo ones after that.

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