Ok, this is what I want to do: add some animated png sequences to a skin. I add the following code to the xml file:
This work seamless, but what happen when I press ALT+ENTER to enter the fullscreen mode in another resolution? All other gfx's and fonts are rezised to match the new screen resolution.... but not the animated sequence. Is this a bug or can I add a tag to allow this?
<description>Animated png sequence</description>
<animation effect="fade" time="150">WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect="fade" time="150">WindowClose</animation>
This work seamless, but what happen when I press ALT+ENTER to enter the fullscreen mode in another resolution? All other gfx's and fonts are rezised to match the new screen resolution.... but not the animated sequence. Is this a bug or can I add a tag to allow this?