[Announcement] TvPlugin -> MyRadio "Reloaded" (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 7, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
- Also fixed some glitches when starting to replay a webstream while timeshifting a radio channel and vice versa.

There is still an issue with timeshifting DVB channels. MP just enters an endless loop with throwing exceptions (just have a look at the logs). I am currently investigating. This problem must have exist before !?
It somehow has something to do with the stream not having video.
MP raises an exception while trying to render the video but there isn't any :confused:

I receive the same stuttering if i´m watching tv and activate the on-screen tv program.... eventually there is a connection of these errors...

Nevertheless, very good work! :)


Portal Pro
September 29, 2006
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Italy Italy
"Starting a stream from the radio channel lists causes MP to become unresponsive once the stream sarts to play, MP needs to be killed via the task manager."
I have exactly the same problem as SciDoctor.
Latest SVN


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  • September 19, 2004
    I've just installed latest svn Rev16086 of tv-server and client on my mediaportal pc to test the new functionality in My Radio. I was using TVE2 before but hopefully will not run in general problems with TVE3...

    When I have done some testing I'll report back. Many thanks for your work so far!


    Portal Pro
    October 17, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    In agreement with this...the whole radio section in TvSetup is unusable currently, cant delete a station from the My Radio section and an attempt to do so results in what all radio channels being removed until you restart TvSetup and they are back! Still work in progress I guess....bide my time I guess...


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  • January 4, 2007
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    [*] the configuration of the radio channels and stream and FM radio stations you could make in Configuration.exe are no longer used. If you add a radio channel in SetupTV via the "Add" button, you might notice that there are 2 new tabs "Webstream" and "FM Radio". Here you can define your streams and FM radio stations which are stored as normal channels in the db.

    Which db are they stored in specifically ? btw: I cannot get this new setup working at all... I will provide further information later.



    Portal Pro
    December 29, 2005
    Home Country
    England England
    In agreement with this...the whole radio section in TvSetup is unusable currently, cant delete a station from the My Radio section and an attempt to do so results in what all radio channels being removed until you restart TvSetup and they are back! Still work in progress I guess....bide my time I guess...

    Same for me with this problem!



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  • January 4, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I just did a series of tests (with a clean install). There is just no internet radio stream shown inside of MediaPortal. All streams I added are still displayed in the configuration after I close MediaPortal. I also tried (sepparately) to use the "stream folder" option which has worked before adding this new feature. No stream channels are displayed inside MediaPortal this way either.
    When I select the radio function inside MediaPortal there is just a Folder shown named "all channels". All my DVB-Radio channels are displayed inside of it. No internet-radio streams however, no matter what I tried.

    Despite of this I had a look for the location of the database where the radio channels which are set up in the configuration are stored. No luck whatsoever. There is neither an entry in a db3 file nor in an xml or config file nor in the TV-Servers SQL-Database. Could anybody please tell me where to find this information ?



    Retired Team Member
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  • October 31, 2006
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    Back from holidays :)

    Since i am now back from holidays which - as ever, where much too short :D -
    i want to continue the work on the new MyRadio plugin.
    At first i noticed there are still some bugs.
    Some of these aren't actually real bugs as i noticed so let me explain, how thinks should work:
    • the new radio functionality is only included in the TVPlugin. So you have to use TvServer (TVEngine3)
    • All configuration for this plugin has to be done in SetupTV (grouping channels, adding webstreams...) NOT in MediaPortal's Configuration.exe
    • The Radio settings from Mediaportal's Configuration.exe are NOT USED at all.
    • Recoding of Webstreams will be included as a next step
    • Webstreams are replayed (as default) by the BASS Engine which gives you the tag infos of the current song and if enabled, visualisations
    • Thumb images for radio stations of "real" cards (DVB-S,DVB-C,DVB-T,Analog) should be displayed and are searched in MP Folder\Thumbs\Radio\Name of channel.png
    Keeping this in mind, please report which bugs exist at the moment, so i can fix them before implementing the next features.

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