Any help with this upgrade? (1 Viewer)


Moderator - Dutch Forums
May 28, 2006
Den Bosch
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I am thinking of upgrading my videocard to a GeForce 7600 GS 256MB.
This to be prepared for 1080P later (I have a Hull HD 40" LCD TV)

See my specs for my current setup.

Is this agood choice? or should I save more and opt for a total upgrade of the motherboard, dualcore and videocard later on?


Moderator - Dutch Forums
May 28, 2006
Den Bosch
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
That card does not have a HDMI-out...
Am I wrong that I need (or would want?) a HDMI-out? or is DVI just as good since my FullHD TV can use that too?
I was thinking that to take full advantage of the FullHD I should use the HDMI... am I wrong?

And would I need to upgrade anything else for smooth showing of FullDH movies?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    It depends whether you are putting sound through your TV, a DVI - HDMI cable will support your Picture, HDMI - HDMI cable will do picture + sound and the graphics card must support this.

    If using a seperate surround sound system, then a normal DVI output is sufficient.

    Hope this helps.


    Moderator - Dutch Forums
    May 28, 2006
    Den Bosch
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    That helped alot!

    Of course, I should have known that!
    I have a Onkyo Amp so the audio has to be seperate!
    I will get a DVI-HDMI cable for now to use with my current videocard.

    Will wait a little longer for the upgrade, maybo also upgrade my mobo and stuff in one go.

    Thanks for the help.

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