Tools and other software anyDVD alternative (1 Viewer)


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  • September 23, 2008
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    Finland Finland

    Just to inform that i've used dvd43, which is totally free,
    in winXp and win7 for 2 months now. Working good.
    After installing this all my dvd problems were gone
    in both OS'es.

    And No it does not support BluRay.(Haven't tried though).



    New Member
    April 10, 2011
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    United States of America United States of America
    I saw this older thread and thought I would share some of my experience for other users.

    I have a very large dvd collection that I have built over the last decade or so.... over 800 titles and this is the reason I am moving to a HTPC so I have access to all of them without digging through storage looking for the movie I want to see....

    It took about 1 week to convert all of the titles onto 3 2tb drives. I'm not using any compression just backing up to DVD TS folders at DVD9 (DL) to preserve menus and features.... Anyhow, Here is what I learned from this exercise...

    1. DVD43 in conjunction with DVD Shrink 3.2 works great for 80% of the titles. This is by far the fastest method I have found for backing up my disks.

    2. DVDFAB 8 Is great for disks with CRC problems and scratches. It takes about twice as long to backup the title but it was effective on all but 2 problematic disks in my collection and these are damaged with large scratches....I will be working on that later... Please Note: I found that I had to disable (exit) dvd43 when using DVDFAB 8. They have a conflict....

    3. Handbrake is great for converting the movies to .h264 or smaller formats for the kids video players. And it works great but you loose the DVD menu capability in exchange for the compression.

    4. For playback, I started using VLC until I found Media Portal. I really like VLC for its stability aspects and it seems to work with every video format I have tried. When I backed up my collection, I reviewed/scanned each video using VLC and it did not crash except on a few corrupted titles that needed to be redone. (out of 800+ titles it was maybe 5 or 6 usually dirty disks or I suspect a bad decryption from DVD Shrink)

    5. I have briefly tested and will be using Media Portal 1.1.3 with WMP11 for playback. It crashes sometimes but I admit that I don't know MP well enough to know if I have a config setting or an improper codec. But I LOVE this application for what it can do.... Now to get this IMDB puzzle sorted.....

    Larry Heart

    New Member
    April 5, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I also use dvd43 for DVD decryption, it's awesome to play DVD's for those, who doesn't want to install additional software.(y)

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