Anyone using PureVideo HD? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 4, 2006
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Canada Canada

I'm still unclear how this whole PureVideo HD deal works. I found this link for drivers:

now, i already have Purevideo, version 1.02.something, so is there a new purevideo driver, or is it the forceware graphics drivers that make HD acceleration possible?
if i download the drivers listed at that link, do i get acceleration for h.264 and what not?

If anyone is using this, what are your results?
Basically i'm trying to be able to play 1080p smoothly. it works half the time, but sometimes it gets jerky. i am considering getting CoreAVC, but maybe this PureVideo HD will get me what i want. i also don't know if the hardware acceleration will work with my GeForce 6150.


Portal Member
October 28, 2006
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Canada Canada
There are two separate technologies here, PureVideo and PureVideo HD.

PureVideo is nVidia's MPEG-2 decoder. Like PowerDVD and WinDVD, it decodes MPEG-2 streams with or without GPU acceleration.

PureVideo HD provides GPU acceleration of MPEG-2, WMV/VC-1, and H.264. It is a feature of certain Forceware drivers. Just having PureVideo HD doesn't accelerate your video playback though; you also need decoders that can take advantage of the feature. For MPEG-2 you need PureVideo, PowerDVD, WinDVD, or the like. For WMV/VC-1 you need Windows' WMV decoders. For H.264 you need PowerDVD (CoreAVC doesn't have GPU acceleration yet so it won't work).

There are also a few other things to look out for. PowerDVD's implementation of H.264 requires SSE2, so if your processor doesn't have it it won't work. Also, WMV/VC-1 acceleration seems to be disabled entirely for AGP cards as of Forceware 8x.xx and higher, despite nVidia's claims that it works with Forceware 91.21 or higher.


Portal Member
October 4, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
thanks for that info.

so that means i can't hardware accelerate H.264 from within MP?
I have a Sempron 3000+ (see my profile for details). i am using an integrated GeForce 6150, which is listed on the nvidia purevideo HD site as being supported for h.264, wmv, etc. hardware acceleration. but that's no good for me i guess if it won't actually work from within MP.
seems like CoreAVC might be my best bet.


Portal Member
October 28, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
Hardware acceleration will work within MediaPortal if you have the appropriate decoders installed. So if you installed PowerDVD 7.2 and Windows Media Player 10 or 11 on a system with an SSE2-enabled processor and a PCI-e video card, then you would have working hardware accelerated MPEG-2, WMV/VC-1, and H.264 in MediaPortal.

As for CoreAVC, it seems that in many cases it's faster than PowerDVD + hardware acceleration.

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