Are we headed toward Vista anytime soon? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 31, 2005
Hill AFB, UT
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Lately I have seen additions to the SVN and MCE remote changes geared toward VISTA. Is MP headed toward Vista anytime soon, say release +3 months? I am concerned about the demands for the operateing system itself, let alone home theater software.


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  • February 16, 2005
    I'd say the devs will keep XP as long as possible, but eventually MS will start changing requirements for new Dx and DotNet stuff.

    I'm in no hurry for Vista. All the usefull stuff has been removed and all that is left is a very GFx intensive, "pretty" interface, which will be the first thing I will disable when I have to start using it.

    There will always be people who are dying to use the latest and they will start to nag the team to get Vista stuff working. I guess this is in preparation for that.


    Portal Pro
    April 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Greece Greece
    DX10 seems to be the more important reason to switch. If you don't need it, you probably don't need to run and make the switch.

    BUT (always a "but" with NLS), all program developers (this doesn't go for MP only) NEED to make sure their software works fine on latest OS (sooner more than later if they are smart). RC2 is a good place to start (and very easy to make a dual boot system) if someone hasn't done it already.

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