Artifacts on remote clients and my solution. (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 25, 2013
Home Country
Poland Poland
I'm not sure if the situation described by me is a bug or not. But I think that information provided by me might be usefull for someone who is struggling with the same issue.
My problem is a lot of artifacts on the videos streamed from the computer with MediaPortal tv server. When I'm watching some dvb-t stream on remote MediaPortal client or VLC application the image is full of artifacts and gliches. It's happening on two different computers with all possible codecs configurations.
If I start MediaPortal client on the machine with tv-server installed everything works just fine.
Moreover I discovered that when the MediaPortal client is started on the computer with tv server, there are no artifact in videos streamed to the remote clients. After 5 minutes with server left alone without any user input to the running MediaPortal client the artifact comes back on the computer connected to the server. I've found out that the 5 minute period is connected with MediaPortal screensaver, so I' ve turned it off and that have worked for me.

So I had problem with watching dvb-t streams on other computers than tv server. The problem was a lot of artifacts and gliches in the videos. The solution for me is running on the tv server machine MediaPortal client with screensaver turned off. When the MediaPortal client is started on the server there is no artifact in streamimg videos to remote clients.

I've started my adventure with MediaPortal a few days ago, so please be understanding. ;)
Is it normal that I have to have MediaPortal client running on the tv server to watch tv in MediaPortal client on another computer without artifacts.

Big thanks to the MediaPortal team for they great work :).


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    That sounds like your TV server has power savings features enabled that monitor system performance and if it is "just" streaming video will put the CPU in a low power mode that slows streaming down. If you run MP (without screensaver as that also reduces CPU impact) windows will not let the PC go into a lower power state.

    Try setting the performance energy scheme (all power savings disabled) for your server. If that help your issue you might start tweaking the settings so that your server saves some power but not when you need it.


    New Member
    May 25, 2013
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    You have probably right that this issue is connected with some power saving mechanism. Running prime95 in background also results in no artifacts in streamed videos.
    But is something more complicated. Even though the lowest P-state (800Mhz) is set when cpu is stressed with some lower priority task streaming works fine. When there is no only a little load on the cpu streaming is full of artifacts and the same when max performace is set.

    It is rather the fault of my system than MediaPortal Tv server, so I will try to investigate the cause farther on my own. Maybe it is something hardware specific. My cpu is Pentium M 750. I will try some setting with RM CPU Clock Utility, which I'm using for some undervolting (voltages are well tested, so this is not the case ;)).

    Than you very much for your help and suggestions :).[DOUBLEPOST=1369846013][/DOUBLEPOST]For now the best working solution for me is using the "Run HLT command when OS idle" option in RM Clock Utility. This take all idle time from the OS and prevent the CPU from entering into deeper power saving states like C2, C3 or C4, which is the probable cause of my problems with artifacts. In the same time it retains the CPU in relatively low power state (C1) when the system is idle.

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