Aspect Ratio Issue (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 25, 2009
This problem seems to be pretty sparatic in my library. A few of my movies play in a extremely small aspect ratio in MP, I was wondering if there are any plugin's or settings to fix this. The {zoom 14:9} seems to work the best on these movies, but they are still narrower on my TV than standard 16:9 Letterbox movies. Any help would be appreciated.


Paranoid Delusion

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    Above might help, run one of the particular video's in MP, before you do, run the logs collector (Start menu) and use the first button to clear the old logs away, don't want to confuse with a long log :), close that down and run MP and video.

    Go to MP's Start menu\user files, you are looking for mediaportal.log, open this with notepad, you should see something similar to this near the end

    2009-01-25 13:10:41.019259 [Info.][VMRenderer]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 616x336

    That gives you the parameter to set in view mode switcher.

    Once setup correctly, this controls all TV\Video aspect ratios automatically, so you never need to hit the zoom button again :)

    The last couple of pages contains chemelli's updated version.

    Welcome to MP

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