Australia EPG Grab - possible? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 6, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand

I have just setup a DVBT based 1.1.0RC1 system in Queensland. First time round I managed to get a full 7 days worth of EPG over the air for all 21 channels. Now I can't repeat it.

Is anyone getting EPG over the air reliably, or do I need to go for an XML solution?

Thanks, Ged
December 28, 2005
Home Country
Hi Ged,

You should be able to repeatedly and reliably get EPG over the air for Australia, yes sometimes it a bit out on late chances to the guide and some channels are less then a week in advances.

But in my personal experiences the XML ( or webEPG) is more work then anything because the “source” from where these grapers get there information from seems to always chance and you are always updating the XML programme.

Some thing that may help you a little ( mind you I’m not near my HTPC and going of memory)

Open up the TV server configuration “exe” and under the “EPG” section there are a few options, first click clear EPG button ( this will remove any information in the SQL database for EPG)
next to that button I think there is force grap EPG, or something along those lines. now I cant remember where it is but there is a “check box” saying “allow to grap EPG when idle” for each card you have.

I hope this help, I’ll have a look for more exact information when I get time.

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