Australia: TV-3 & Multi Record (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 26, 2006
Riverstone, NSW
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Howdy all

I am very much liking the direction of MP, especially the prospect of recording multiple programs on one card.....but I have to ask the question: Are there any Aussies out there doing just this? Are our channels (ABC,ABC2,7,9,10,SBS) broadcasting on what is required to do this?



Portal Pro
January 5, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
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I haven't had a chance to try the tv server since this feature was added, but I'm pretty sure it will have some advantage.

As I understand it, each station in Australia uses one transponder ie ABC and ABC2 are on the same transponder so you should be able to record both with one card. Since all of the commercial stations aren;t allowed to broadcast different content yet, there is not much advantage for those at this stage.

Again, this is only my understanding (without having tested it yet), but I think the best benefit at the moment is that you can have back-t0-back recordings on one channel without blocking your second tuner.

If anyone can confirm/correct my understanding, that would be great :)


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  • March 24, 2005
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    United States of America United States of America
    I tried it, recording ABC, ABC2 and ABC HD at the same time, and it worked great.
    Just one card in use. Only downturn was the chewing up of a lot of HHD space especially due to the HD recording.

    Except for this experiment, I don't realy use this function because none of the TV channels transmit anything worth watching on their additional channels.

    I've not tried the back to back recording jet using this option. Might be something to try soon.

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