Auto3D plugin for MediaPortal 1.2 - 1.12 (GUI & TV/Beamer) (5 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
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    Ukraine Ukraine
    Didn't have time yet, because I have set up MediaPortal with multi seat, which took (far) more time that I thought. But since yesterday it's working.
    I will start right now to fix the bugs...
    When will this plugin will be part of the MP?

    Stéphane Lenclud

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  • April 29, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    @Stéphane Lenclud : I removed Auto3D from my plugins directory and started MePo 1.13 with HID enabled, but my color keys are still not working. In former version the red key opened my recordings, but now nothing happens. Did I miss some configuration step?

    'Microsoft MCE' Input Handler was removed from MP 1.13 if you were using it before it should now be using the 'HID' Input Handler.
    The shortcut you are mentioning could be missing from our HID key mapping.

    Just had a quick look and it looks like both MCE and HID config have the same actions mapped to that Red button. You probably had configured that behavior yourself and you lost your custom mapping when updating to 1.13.

    You can either redo it manually through configure or get it back by copying your actions from one XML to the other.
    Last edited:

    Marcus Venturi

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  • March 23, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Thank you for your hint. I remapped it manually. The installed MePo 1.13 works now as it should.

    But I have a problem running the latest sources. Everytime I start MePo in the debugger I get a FileNotFoundException that the "SharpHidLib" or dependant files could not be found. The files are in the Packages directory. Any clue what's wrong?

    Stéphane Lenclud

    Retired Team Member
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  • April 29, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    Thank you for your hint. I remapped it manually. The installed MePo 1.13 works now as it should.

    But I have a problem running the latest sources. Everytime I start MePo in the debugger I get a FileNotFoundException that the "SharpHidLib" or dependant files could not be found. The files are in the Packages directory. Any clue what's wrong?
    I think the build system should copy the package binaries in the exe debug folder. You could put them there yourself if they are missing I guess. Maybe doing a command line build first could fix that for you.

    Sorry can't recall the exact name of that command line build script now.

    Not at my desk right now.


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  • April 27, 2010
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    Actually it probably has something to do with your handling of WM_INPUT in respect to MP process plug-in framework. I remember ShortCuter plugin having a similar issue at some point.
    Maybe @nicsergio could tell us what was the problem and how he fixed it.

    Hi all,

    the problem that I encountered is explained in this post:

    I modified PreFilterMessage:

    public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) 
                if (m.Msg == WM_INPUT)
                    if (m.WParam == (IntPtr)0 || _backgroundInput)
                        if (KeyDown != null) 
                            return ProcessRawInput(m.LParam);
                return false;

    and ProcessRawInput, in this point:

                                KeyDown(this, kea);
                                if (kea.Handled)
                                    return true;

    Attached RawInputHook class that I use to intercept keystrokes.

    I hope it was useful


      2.7 KB

    Marcus Venturi

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  • March 23, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Following your hints I found out, that if I register a handler to my own window handle, the RemotePlugins handler is dead, even if always return false in PreFilterMessage.

    If I register the handler to the GUIGraphicsContext.ActiveForm handle it works, but I assume in this case the already registered handler from @Stéphane Lenclud is replaced by mine.

    If have no clue about the raw input concept... :confused:

    Is it allowed to register multiple handlers to different windows of the same application?


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Wow, really?!?
    That's quite surprising. I'm interested to know if the limitation is really one window handle per application/process... or is it per input device.

    If not needing to filter the input, maybe a possible solution would be to create another dedicated process for receiving input. Input could be passed into MP via a TCP socket or other communication technique.

    Another possibility (which is a bit hacky) is to read the existing registrations before replacing them. This might enable you to manually pass the messages (using SendMessage()) to the previously registered window. One problem with this approach is that you don't ever know when the other window decides to unregister.

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