Automated add removal and compression? (1 Viewer)


New Member
December 29, 2005

Is there any standalone tool that will automatically remove adds and then compress the dvrms file down to an mpg?

Currently I'm using dvrmstoolbox to remove adds and convert to mpeg and then cyberlink powerproducer to compress it down. So a 2.1gb dvrms file ends up a 300meg mpg with no adds.

Is there a tool that will automate all this and do it in one step? Maybe that could do it in the downtime when the machine isnt doing any recording or something?



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  • June 23, 2006
    Gold Coast
    Home Country
    AFAIK there is no freeware tool to do this. I think there is a commercial tool but I forget it's name, sorry.
    The problem with doing this is if some ads are missed or worse still, a section is marked as an ad and stripped out leaving you with an incomplete show.

    I really like MP's use of Comskip. No need to create a new file with ads stripped (which is fairly pointless if you are only going to watch something once).
    MP just reads the text file Comskips outputs that lists the ad's locations. One button press and I've skipped the ads. :)
    It will be superb when this 'single button press' is automatic, i.e. MP just skips the ads itself.

    Good luck.

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