Automated playback? (1 Viewer)


New Member
June 13, 2010
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United States of America United States of America
I'm attempting to automate my HTPC in my living room and am looking for a couple of specific functions. First off I have an HTPC set up in my living room (we watch mostly classic TV), but searching through thousands of files takes even longer than to watch the actual show! I wanted to see if there was a program that would automate playback playlists of shows at certain times of the day. (for example let's say Mary Tyler Moore Show Saturday nights at 8:00, Bob Newhart Show at 8:30, classic Saturday Night Live on Saturday nights @ 10:30, you get the idea) I also wanted to do all of the "pre-scheduling" months beforehand so I can just turn on the box and have something on (also I can "pre-schedule" for the kids' TV time in the afternoons since I don;t want them watching certain shows). Also, most half hour TV shows without commercials are actually 25 or so minutes, hour shows 50 min, etc. but I'd like everything to start on the hour or half hour mark. I have a folder filled with classic commercials I'd like the system to default to when the show is over, to bring it to the next scheduled event on the half, or hour mark. I've found a program that can do all of this called Raduga automation software (Raduga.Net) and I've done this with the limited demo version and it works GREAT (besides the nagging Voiceover that pops up telling you it's a demo) however for the full video version they're asking $900 which is WAAAY too expensive for just my living room. So I'm wondering if there is a feature or plugin to be able to do this?


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