AVerMedia M150-D / WinFast TV2000 XP Expert (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 23, 2006
Area: Setup
MP Version: RC3
Skin: MCE
Windows Version: XP
CPU Type: Pentium 4 - 2,6 Ghz
Memory: 512 SDRAM
Video Card: GeForce 2 MX
Video Card Driver: 81.98 forceware
Video Card Resolution: 800x600
TV Card: Avermedia M150-D
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver:
TV Card: LeadTek WinFast TV2000 XP Expert
TV Card Type: software
TV Card Driver:

I have only configured the m150 card, cause i get the "unable to build graph" error for the WinFast card. When i start myTV i get the " cant active timeshift" message (MP only started once, no MP in background). The Screen stays black.

The devid for the leadtek card seems to be ok. The only workaround to work with MP is the removal of the WinFast card form the PCI slot. Then all things work fine (no timshift error, no unable to build graph error). But i will use the winfast with the original WinFast PVR, if i cant make the winfast work.

I have also tried RC2 with both cards plugged into the pci slots, but i get only a black screen (no timeshift error).

Swapping the cards in the slots, has also no effect.

Configure both cards with prio 10 for m150 and 1 for winFast has no effect. Also disable "use for viewing" and "use for recording" for the winfast.

I have also deleted the Winfast Expert entrys in CaptureCards.xml . I get the timeshift error.

What can i do ?

P.S. I had to add a new carddefinition for the M150-D, cause i could manually add the card, but it wasnt autodetected:

<capturecard commercialname="AverMedia M150 (PAL)" capturename="AVerMedia AVerTV MPEG Video Capture" devid="ven_14f1&amp;dev_8800&amp;subsys_c10b1461&amp;rev_05">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="true" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="false"/>
<interface cat="encoder" video="" audio="" mpeg2="0"/>
<filter cat="tvtuner" name="AVerMedia AverTV Tuner" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="tvaudio" name="AVerMedia AverTV TvAudio" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="crossbar" name="AVerMedia AverTV MPEG Crossbar" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="capture" name="AVerMedia AverTV MPEG Video Capture" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="encoder" name="AVerMedia AverTV MPEG Encoder" checkdevice="true"/>
<connection sourcefilter="tvtuner" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar" sinkpin="%tvtuner%"/>
<connection sourcefilter="tvtuner" sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="tvaudio" sinkpin="0"/>
<connection sourcefilter="tvaudio" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar" sinkpin="%audiotuner%"/>
<connection sourcefilter="crossbar" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"/>
<connection sourcefilter="crossbar" sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="1"/>
<connection sourcefilter="capture" sourcepin="2" sinkfilter="encoder" sinkpin="0"/>
<connection sourcefilter="capture" sourcepin="3" sinkfilter="encoder" sinkpin="1"/>


Portal Member
March 23, 2006
there are a few new results:

The WinFast entry
<filter cat="audencoder" name="Leadtek MPEG Audio Encoder" checkdevice="false"/>

must changed to

<filter cat="audencoder" name="LeadTek Audio Encoder" checkdevice="false"/>

so the Timeshift error and both "unable to build graph" messages has gone. Very often it works. But sometimes!! i get the "unable to build graph" message again. one, two or three times.

Sometimes the card work with a slow performance, but sometimes the TV-Screen is only black (only winfast installed) and i get an "no signal" error altought i hear the tv-sound. the card works fine with the original winfast PVR Software.

Here a part of the log-file
26.03.2006 04:26:17 CheckDevice:mad:device:pnp:\\?\stream#cx88xbar.ven_14f1.cnxt#5&bacd2fb&0&1
26.03.2006 04:26:17 FindUniqueFilter:card#1 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\stream#cx88xbar.ven_14f1.cnxt#5&bacd2fb&0&1
26.03.2006 04:26:17 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\stream\cx88xbar.ven_14f1.cnxt\5&bacd2fb&0&1
26.03.2006 04:26:17 serviceName:CX88XBAR
26.03.2006 04:26:17 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CX88XBAR\Enum
26.03.2006 04:26:17 filters available:1
26.03.2006 04:26:17 filter#:0=Stream#cx88xbar.VEN_14F1.cnxt#5&bacd2fb&0&1
26.03.2006 04:26:17 Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei MediaPortal.TV.Recording.GraphHelper.FindUniqueFilter(String monikerName, Int32 instance)
bei MediaPortal.TV.Recording.GraphHelper.LoadDefinitions(String videoDevice, String videoDeviceMoniker)
26.03.2006 04:26:17 Exception :Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
26.03.2006 04:26:17 site :confused:ystem.String FindUniqueFilter(System.String, Int32)
26.03.2006 04:26:17 source :TVCapture
26.03.2006 04:26:17 stacktrace: bei MediaPortal.TV.Recording.GraphHelper.FindUniqueFilter(String monikerName, Int32 instance)
bei MediaPortal.TV.Recording.GraphHelper.LoadDefinitions(String videoDevice, String videoDeviceMoniker)
26.03.2006 04:26:17 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ven_14f1&dev_8800&subsys_6611107d&rev_05\4&1f7dbc9f&0&08f0
26.03.2006 04:26:17 LoadDefs for device at PCI-Bus 2, Gerät 1

I take a look at the source-code , trying to find out if its still a CapturaCardDefinition problem. but i have to surrender. Maybe the Null-Pointer-Exception is in this Lines
string monikerToUse = (string)subkey.GetValue(instance.ToString());
monikerToUse = monikerToUse.Replace(@"\", "#");
monikerToUse = monikerToUse.Replace(@"/", "#");

I have only one entry with index 0 at SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CX88XBAR\Enum, but instance is 1.

Any Ideas ?


P.S. Now i get the error Message "Live TV konnte nicht aktiviert werden" when both cards are installed.

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